angular.module('portainer.docker') .controller('SwarmVisualizerController', ['$q', '$scope', '$document', '$interval', 'NodeService', 'ServiceService', 'TaskService', 'Notifications', 'LocalStorage', function ($q, $scope, $document, $interval, NodeService, ServiceService, TaskService, Notifications, LocalStorage) { $scope.state = { ShowInformationPanel: true, DisplayOnlyRunningTasks: false, refreshRate: '5' }; $scope.$on('$destroy', function() { stopRepeater(); }); $scope.changeShowInformationPanel = function(value) { $scope.state.ShowInformationPanel = value; LocalStorage.storeSwarmVisualizerSettings('show_info_panel', value); }; $scope.changeDisplayOnlyRunningTasks = function() { var value = $scope.state.DisplayOnlyRunningTasks; LocalStorage.storeSwarmVisualizerSettings('display_only_running_tasks', value); }; $scope.changeUpdateRepeater = function() { stopRepeater(); setUpdateRepeater(); $('#refreshRateChange').show(); $('#refreshRateChange').fadeOut(1500); LocalStorage.storeSwarmVisualizerSettings('refresh_rate', $scope.state.refreshRate); }; function stopRepeater() { var repeater = $scope.repeater; if (angular.isDefined(repeater)) { $interval.cancel(repeater); repeater = null; } } function setUpdateRepeater() { var refreshRate = $scope.state.refreshRate; $scope.repeater = $interval(function() { $q.all({ nodes: NodeService.nodes(), services:, tasks: TaskService.tasks() }) .then(function success(data) { var nodes = data.nodes; $scope.nodes = nodes; var services =; $ = services; var tasks = data.tasks; $scope.tasks = tasks; prepareVisualizerData(nodes, services, tasks); }) .catch(function error(err) { stopRepeater(); Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Unable to retrieve cluster information'); }); }, refreshRate * 1000); } function assignServiceInfo(services, tasks) { for (var i = 0; i < services.length; i++) { var service = services[i]; for (var j = 0; j < tasks.length; j++) { var task = tasks[j]; if (task.ServiceId === service.Id) { task.ServiceName = service.Name; } } } } function assignTasksToNode(nodes, tasks) { for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { var node = nodes[i]; node.Tasks = []; for (var j = 0; j < tasks.length; j++) { var task = tasks[j]; if (task.NodeId === node.Id) { node.Tasks.push(task); } } } } function prepareVisualizerData(nodes, services, tasks) { var visualizerData = {}; assignServiceInfo(services, tasks); assignTasksToNode(nodes, tasks); visualizerData.nodes = nodes; $scope.visualizerData = visualizerData; } function loadState() { var showInfoPanel = LocalStorage.getSwarmVisualizerSettings('show_info_panel'); if (showInfoPanel !== undefined && showInfoPanel !== null) $scope.state.ShowInformationPanel = showInfoPanel; var displayOnlyRunningTasks = LocalStorage.getSwarmVisualizerSettings('display_only_running_tasks'); if (displayOnlyRunningTasks !== undefined && displayOnlyRunningTasks !== null) $scope.state.DisplayOnlyRunningTasks = displayOnlyRunningTasks; var refreshRate = LocalStorage.getSwarmVisualizerSettings('refresh_rate'); if (refreshRate !== undefined && refreshRate !== null) $scope.state.refreshRate = refreshRate; } function initView() { $q.all({ nodes: NodeService.nodes(), services:, tasks: TaskService.tasks() }) .then(function success(data) { var nodes = data.nodes; $scope.nodes = nodes; var services =; $ = services; var tasks = data.tasks; $scope.tasks = tasks; prepareVisualizerData(nodes, services, tasks); setUpdateRepeater(); }) .catch(function error(err) { Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Unable to initialize cluster visualizer'); }); loadState(); } initView(); }]);