import clsx from 'clsx'; import { PropsWithChildren } from 'react'; export type BadgeType = | 'success' | 'danger' | 'warn' | 'info' | 'successSecondary' | 'dangerSecondary' | 'warnSecondary' | 'infoSecondary'; // the classes are typed in full because tailwind doesn't render the interpolated classes const typeClasses: Record = { success: clsx( 'text-success-9 bg-success-2', 'th-dark:text-success-3 th-dark:bg-success-10', 'th-highcontrast:text-success-3 th-highcontrast:bg-success-10' ), warn: clsx( 'text-warning-9 bg-warning-2', 'th-dark:text-warning-3 th-dark:bg-warning-10', 'th-highcontrast:text-warning-3 th-highcontrast:bg-warning-10' ), danger: clsx( 'text-error-9 bg-error-2', 'th-dark:text-error-3 th-dark:bg-error-10', 'th-highcontrast:text-error-3 th-highcontrast:bg-error-10' ), info: clsx( 'text-blue-9 bg-blue-2', 'th-dark:text-blue-3 th-dark:bg-blue-10', 'th-highcontrast:text-blue-3 th-highcontrast:bg-blue-10' ), // the secondary classes are a bit darker in light mode and a bit lighter in dark mode successSecondary: clsx( 'text-success-9 bg-success-3', 'th-dark:text-success-3 th-dark:bg-success-9', 'th-highcontrast:text-success-3 th-highcontrast:bg-success-9' ), warnSecondary: clsx( 'text-warning-9 bg-warning-3', 'th-dark:text-warning-3 th-dark:bg-warning-9', 'th-highcontrast:text-warning-3 th-highcontrast:bg-warning-9' ), dangerSecondary: clsx( 'text-error-9 bg-error-3', 'th-dark:text-error-3 th-dark:bg-error-9', 'th-highcontrast:text-error-3 th-highcontrast:bg-error-9' ), infoSecondary: clsx( 'text-blue-9 bg-blue-3', 'th-dark:text-blue-3 th-dark:bg-blue-9', 'th-highcontrast:text-blue-3 th-highcontrast:bg-blue-9' ), }; export interface Props { type?: BadgeType; className?: string; } // this component is used in tables and lists in portainer. It looks like this: // export function Badge({ type = 'info', className, children, }: PropsWithChildren) { const baseClasses = 'inline-flex w-fit items-center !text-xs font-medium rounded-full px-2 py-0.5'; return ( {children} ); }