import _ from 'lodash'; angular.module('portainer.agent').controller('HostBrowserController', [ 'HostBrowserService', 'Notifications', 'FileSaver', 'ModalService', function HostBrowserController(HostBrowserService, Notifications, FileSaver, ModalService) { var ctrl = this; var ROOT_PATH = '/host'; ctrl.state = { path: ROOT_PATH }; ctrl.goToParent = goToParent; ctrl.browse = browse; ctrl.renameFile = renameFile; ctrl.downloadFile = downloadFile; ctrl.deleteFile = confirmDeleteFile; ctrl.isRoot = isRoot; ctrl.onFileSelectedForUpload = onFileSelectedForUpload; ctrl.$onInit = $onInit; ctrl.getRelativePath = getRelativePath; function getRelativePath(path) { path = path || ctrl.state.path; var rootPathRegex = new RegExp('^' + ROOT_PATH + '\/?'); var relativePath = path.replace(rootPathRegex, '/'); return relativePath; } function goToParent() { getFilesForPath(parentPath(this.state.path)); } function isRoot() { return ctrl.state.path === ROOT_PATH; } function browse(folder) { getFilesForPath(buildPath(ctrl.state.path, folder)); } function getFilesForPath(path) { .then(function onFilesLoaded(files) { ctrl.state.path = path; ctrl.files = files; }) .catch(function onLoadingFailed(err) { Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Unable to browse'); }); } function renameFile(name, newName) { var filePath = buildPath(ctrl.state.path, name); var newFilePath = buildPath(ctrl.state.path, newName); HostBrowserService.rename(filePath, newFilePath) .then(function onRenameSuccess() { Notifications.success('File successfully renamed', getRelativePath(newFilePath)); return; }) .then(function onFilesLoaded(files) { ctrl.files = files; }) .catch(function notifyOnError(err) { Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Unable to rename file'); }); } function downloadFile(file) { var filePath = buildPath(ctrl.state.path, file); HostBrowserService.get(filePath) .then(function onFileReceived(data) { var downloadData = new Blob([data.file], { type: 'text/plain;charset=utf-8' }); FileSaver.saveAs(downloadData, file); }) .catch(function notifyOnError(err) { Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Unable to download file'); }); } function confirmDeleteFile(name) { var filePath = buildPath(ctrl.state.path, name); ModalService.confirmDeletion( 'Are you sure that you want to delete ' + getRelativePath(filePath) + ' ?', function onConfirm(confirmed) { if (!confirmed) { return; } return deleteFile(filePath); } ); } function deleteFile(path) { HostBrowserService.delete(path) .then(function onDeleteSuccess() { Notifications.success('File successfully deleted', getRelativePath(path)); return; }) .then(function onFilesLoaded(data) { ctrl.files = data; }) .catch(function notifyOnError(err) { Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Unable to delete file'); }); } function $onInit() { getFilesForPath(ROOT_PATH); } function parentPath(path) { if (path === ROOT_PATH) { return ROOT_PATH; } var split = _.split(path, '/'); return _.join(_.slice(split, 0, split.length - 1), '/'); } function buildPath(parent, file) { if (parent.lastIndexOf('/') === parent.length - 1) { return parent + file; } return parent + '/' + file; } function onFileSelectedForUpload(file) { HostBrowserService.upload(ctrl.state.path, file) .then(function onFileUpload() { onFileUploaded(); }) .catch(function onFileUpload(err) { Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Unable to upload file'); }); } function onFileUploaded() { refreshList(); } function refreshList() { getFilesForPath(ctrl.state.path); } } ]);