Containers > {{ container.Name|trimcontainername }}
ID {{ container.Id }}
Name {{ container.Name|trimcontainername }}
IP address {{ container.NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}
Status {{ container.State|getstatetext }} since {{ activityTime }} with exit code {{ container.State.ExitCode }}
Created {{ container.Created|getisodate }}
Start time {{ container.State.StartedAt|getisodate }}
Finished {{ container.State.FinishedAt|getisodate }}
Status {{ container.State.Health.Status }}
Failure count {{ container.State.Health.FailingStreak }}
Last output {{ container.State.Health.Log[container.State.Health.Log.length - 1].Output }}
You can create an image from this container, this allows you to backup important data or save helpful configurations. You'll be able to spin up another container based on this image afterward.
Note: if you don't specify the tag in the image name, latest will be used.
Image {{ container.Image }}
Port configuration
{{ portMapping.container }} {{ }}
CMD {{ container.Config.Cmd|command }}
{{ var|key: '=' }} {{ var|value: '=' }}
{{ k }} {{ v }}
Restart policies
Name {{ container.HostConfig.RestartPolicy.Name }}
MaximumRetryCount {{ container.HostConfig.RestartPolicy.MaximumRetryCount }}
Host/volume Path in container
{{ vol.Source }} {{ vol.Name }} {{ vol.Destination }}