import { render, fireEvent } from '@/react-tools/test-utils'; import { SwitchField, Props } from './SwitchField'; function renderDefault({ name = 'default name', checked = false, label = 'label', onChange = vi.fn(), index, }: Partial = {}) { return render( ); } test('should display a Switch component', async () => { const { findByRole } = renderDefault(); const switchElem = await findByRole('checkbox'); expect(switchElem).toBeTruthy(); }); test('clicking should emit on-change with the opposite value', async () => { const onChange = vi.fn(); const checked = true; const { findByRole } = renderDefault({ onChange, checked }); const switchElem = await findByRole('checkbox');; expect(onChange).toHaveBeenCalledWith(!checked, undefined); }); test('clicking should emit on-change with the opposite value and index', async () => { const onChange = vi.fn(); const checked = true; const index = 3; const { findByRole } = renderDefault({ onChange, checked, index }); const switchElem = await findByRole('checkbox');; expect(onChange).toHaveBeenCalledWith(!checked, index); });