angular.module('createStack', []) .controller('CreateStackController', ['$scope', '$state', '$document', 'StackService', 'CodeMirrorService', 'Authentication', 'Notifications', 'FormValidator', 'ResourceControlService', 'FormHelper', function ($scope, $state, $document, StackService, CodeMirrorService, Authentication, Notifications, FormValidator, ResourceControlService, FormHelper) { // Store the editor content when switching builder methods var editorContent = ''; var editorEnabled = true; $scope.formValues = { Name: '', StackFileContent: '# Define or paste the content of your docker-compose file here', StackFile: null, RepositoryURL: '', Env: [], RepositoryPath: 'docker-compose.yml', AccessControlData: new AccessControlFormData() }; $scope.state = { Method: 'editor', formValidationError: '' }; $scope.addEnvironmentVariable = function() { $scope.formValues.Env.push({ name: '', value: ''}); }; $scope.removeEnvironmentVariable = function(index) { $scope.formValues.Env.splice(index, 1); }; function validateForm(accessControlData, isAdmin) { $scope.state.formValidationError = ''; var error = ''; error = FormValidator.validateAccessControl(accessControlData, isAdmin); if (error) { $scope.state.formValidationError = error; return false; } return true; } function createStack(name) { var method = $scope.state.Method; var env = FormHelper.removeInvalidEnvVars($scope.formValues.Env); if (method === 'editor') { // The codemirror editor does not work with ng-model so we need to retrieve // the value directly from the editor. var stackFileContent = $scope.editor.getValue(); return StackService.createStackFromFileContent(name, stackFileContent, env); } else if (method === 'upload') { var stackFile = $scope.formValues.StackFile; return StackService.createStackFromFileUpload(name, stackFile, env); } else if (method === 'repository') { var gitRepository = $scope.formValues.RepositoryURL; var pathInRepository = $scope.formValues.RepositoryPath; return StackService.createStackFromGitRepository(name, gitRepository, pathInRepository, env); } } $scope.deployStack = function () { $('#createResourceSpinner').show(); var name = $scope.formValues.Name; var accessControlData = $scope.formValues.AccessControlData; var userDetails = Authentication.getUserDetails(); var isAdmin = userDetails.role === 1 ? true : false; var userId = userDetails.ID; if (!validateForm(accessControlData, isAdmin)) { $('#createResourceSpinner').hide(); return; } createStack(name) .then(function success(data) { Notifications.success('Stack successfully deployed'); }) .catch(function error(err) { Notifications.warning('Deployment error',; }) .then(function success(data) { return ResourceControlService.applyResourceControl('stack', name, userId, accessControlData, []); }) .then(function success() { $state.go('stacks'); }) .catch(function error(err) { Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Unable to apply resource control on the stack'); }) .finally(function final() { $('#createResourceSpinner').hide(); }); }; function enableEditor(value) { $document.ready(function() { var webEditorElement = $document[0].getElementById('web-editor'); if (webEditorElement) { $scope.editor = CodeMirrorService.applyCodeMirrorOnElement(webEditorElement, true, false); if (value) { $scope.editor.setValue(value); } } }); } $scope.toggleEditor = function() { if (!editorEnabled) { enableEditor(editorContent); editorEnabled = true; } }; $scope.saveEditorContent = function() { editorContent = $scope.editor.getValue(); editorEnabled = false; }; function initView() { enableEditor(); } initView(); }]);