import axios, { parseAxiosError } from '@/portainer/services/axios'; import { EnvironmentId } from '@/react/portainer/environments/types'; import { Configuration } from './types'; // returns the formatted list of configmaps and secrets export async function getConfigurations( environmentId: EnvironmentId, namespace: string ) { try { const { data: configmaps } = await axios.get( `kubernetes/${environmentId}/namespaces/${namespace}/configmaps` ); return configmaps; } catch (e) { throw parseAxiosError(e as Error, 'Unable to retrieve configmaps'); } } export async function getConfigMapsForCluster( environmentId: EnvironmentId, namespaces: string[] ) { try { const configmaps = await Promise.all( => getConfigurations(environmentId, namespace)) ); return configmaps.flat(); } catch (e) { throw parseAxiosError( e as Error, 'Unable to retrieve ConfigMaps for cluster' ); } }