import { useCurrentStateAndParams } from '@uirouter/react'; import { useMemo } from 'react'; import { createStore } from '@/react/kubernetes/datatables/default-kube-datatable-store'; import { useTableState } from '@@/datatables/useTableState'; import { useEvents } from '../../queries/useEvents'; import { useApplication } from '../queries/useApplication'; import { useApplicationServices } from '../queries/useApplicationServices'; import { useApplicationPods } from '../queries/useApplicationPods'; const storageKey = 'k8sAppEventsDatatable'; const settingsStore = createStore(storageKey, { id: 'Date', desc: true }); export function useApplicationEventsTableState() { return useTableState(settingsStore, storageKey); } export function useApplicationEventsTableData() { const appEventsTableState = useTableState(settingsStore, storageKey); const { params: { namespace, name, 'resource-type': resourceType, endpointId: environmentId, }, } = useCurrentStateAndParams(); const { data: application, ...applicationQuery } = useApplication( environmentId, namespace, name, resourceType ); const { data: services, ...servicesQuery } = useApplicationServices( environmentId, namespace, name, application ); const { data: pods, ...podsQuery } = useApplicationPods( environmentId, namespace, name, application ); const { data: events, ...eventsQuery } = useEvents(environmentId, { namespace, queryOptions: { autoRefreshRate: appEventsTableState.autoRefreshRate * 1000, }, }); // related events are events that have the application id, or the id of a service or pod from the application const appEventsData = useMemo(() => { const serviceIds = services?.map((service) => service?.metadata?.uid); const podIds = pods?.map((pod) => pod?.metadata?.uid); return ( events?.filter( (event) => event.involvedObject.uid === application?.metadata?.uid || serviceIds?.includes(event.involvedObject.uid) || podIds?.includes(event.involvedObject.uid) ) || [] ); }, [application?.metadata?.uid, events, pods, services]); const appEventWarningCount = useMemo( () => appEventsData.filter((event) => event.type === 'Warning').length, [appEventsData] ); return { appEventsData, appEventWarningCount, isAppEventsTableLoading: applicationQuery.isLoading || servicesQuery.isLoading || podsQuery.isLoading || eventsQuery.isLoading, }; }