import { ComponentProps } from 'react'; import { Alert } from '@@/Alert'; import { useDocsUrl } from '@@/PageHeader/ContextHelp'; import { EnvironmentVariablesFieldset } from './EnvironmentVariablesFieldset'; import { EnvironmentVariablesPanel } from './EnvironmentVariablesPanel'; type FieldsetProps = ComponentProps; export function StackEnvironmentVariablesPanel({ onChange, values, errors, isFoldable = false, showHelpMessage, }: { isFoldable?: boolean; showHelpMessage?: boolean; } & FieldsetProps) { return ( You may use{' '} environment variables in your compose file . The environment variable values set below will be used as substitutions in the compose file. Note that you may also reference a stack.env file in your compose file. A stack.env file contains the environment variables and their values (e.g. TAG=v1.5). } onChange={onChange} values={values} errors={errors} isFoldable={isFoldable} showHelpMessage={showHelpMessage} alertMessage={

stack.env file operation

When deploying via Repository, the stack.env file must already reside in the Git repo.
When deploying via Web editor,{' '} Upload or{' '} Custom template deployment, the stack.env file is auto created from what you set below.
} /> ); }