import angular from 'angular'; import moment from 'moment'; import _ from 'lodash-es'; import filesizeParser from 'filesize-parser'; import KubernetesResourceReservationHelper from 'Kubernetes/helpers/resourceReservationHelper'; import KubernetesPodConverter from 'Kubernetes/pod/converter'; import { getMetricsForPod } from '@/react/kubernetes/metrics/metrics.ts'; class KubernetesApplicationStatsController { /* @ngInject */ constructor($async, $state, $interval, $document, Notifications, KubernetesPodService, KubernetesNodeService, ChartService) { this.$async = $async; this.$state = $state; this.$interval = $interval; this.$document = $document; this.Notifications = Notifications; this.KubernetesPodService = KubernetesPodService; this.KubernetesNodeService = KubernetesNodeService; this.ChartService = ChartService; this.onInit = this.onInit.bind(this); this.initCharts = this.initCharts.bind(this); } changeUpdateRepeater() { var cpuChart = this.cpuChart; var memoryChart = this.memoryChart; this.stopRepeater(); this.setUpdateRepeater(cpuChart, memoryChart); $('#refreshRateChange').show(); $('#refreshRateChange').fadeOut(1500); } updateCPUChart() { const label = moment('HH:mm:ss'); this.ChartService.UpdateCPUChart(label, this.stats.CPUUsage, this.cpuChart); } updateMemoryChart() { const label = moment('HH:mm:ss'); this.ChartService.UpdateMemoryChart(label, this.stats.MemoryUsage, this.stats.MemoryCache, this.memoryChart); } stopRepeater() { var repeater = this.repeater; if (angular.isDefined(repeater)) { this.$interval.cancel(repeater); repeater = undefined; } } setUpdateRepeater() { const refreshRate = this.state.refreshRate; this.repeater = this.$interval(async () => { try { await this.getStats(); this.updateCPUChart(); this.updateMemoryChart(); } catch (error) { this.stopRepeater(); this.Notifications.error('Failure', error); } }, refreshRate * 1000); } initCharts() { let i = 0; const findCharts = setInterval(() => { let cpuChartCtx = $('#cpuChart'); let memoryChartCtx = $('#memoryChart'); if (cpuChartCtx.length !== 0 && memoryChartCtx.length !== 0) { const cpuChart = this.ChartService.CreateCPUChart(cpuChartCtx); this.cpuChart = cpuChart; const memoryChart = this.ChartService.CreateMemoryChart(memoryChartCtx); this.memoryChart = memoryChart; this.updateCPUChart(); this.updateMemoryChart(); this.setUpdateRepeater(); clearInterval(findCharts); return; } i++; if (i >= 10) { clearInterval(findCharts); } }, 200); } getStats() { return this.$async(async () => { try { const stats = await getMetricsForPod(this.$state.params.endpointId, this.state.transition.namespace, this.state.transition.podName); const container = _.find(stats.containers, { name: this.state.transition.containerName }); if (container) { const memory = filesizeParser(container.usage.memory); const cpu = KubernetesResourceReservationHelper.parseCPU(container.usage.cpu); this.stats = { read: stats.timestamp, preread: '', MemoryCache: 0, MemoryUsage: memory, NumProcs: '', isWindows: false, PreviousCPUTotalUsage: 0, CPUUsage: (cpu / this.nodeCPU) * 100, CPUCores: 0, }; } } catch (err) { this.Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Unable to retrieve application stats'); } }); } $onDestroy() { this.stopRepeater(); } async onInit() { this.state = { autoRefresh: false, refreshRate: '30', viewReady: false, transition: { podName: this.$transition$.params().pod, containerName: this.$transition$.params().container, namespace: this.$transition$.params().namespace, applicationName: this.$transition$.params().name, }, getMetrics: false, }; try { await getMetricsForPod(this.$state.params.endpointId, this.state.transition.namespace, this.state.transition.podName); } catch (error) { this.state.getMetrics = false; this.state.viewReady = true; return; } try { const podRaw = await this.KubernetesPodService.get(this.state.transition.namespace, this.state.transition.podName); const pod = KubernetesPodConverter.apiToModel(podRaw.Raw); if (pod) { const node = await this.KubernetesNodeService.get(pod.Node); this.nodeCPU = node.CPU; } else { throw new Error('Unable to find pod'); } await this.getStats(); this.state.getMetrics = true; this.$document.ready(() => { this.initCharts(); }); } catch (err) { this.Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Unable to retrieve application stats'); } finally { this.state.viewReady = true; } } $onInit() { return this.$async(this.onInit); } } export default KubernetesApplicationStatsController; angular.module('portainer.kubernetes').controller('KubernetesApplicationStatsController', KubernetesApplicationStatsController);