import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import { IComponentOptions, IController } from 'angular'; import { StrictMode } from 'react'; import _ from 'lodash'; function toProps( propNames: string[], controller: IController, $q: ng.IQService ) { return Object.fromEntries( => { const prop = controller[key]; if (typeof prop !== 'function') { return [key, prop]; } return [ key, (...args: unknown[]) => $q((resolve) => resolve(controller[key](...args))), ]; }) ); } export type PropNames = Exclude; /** * react2angular is used to bind a React component to an AngularJS component * it used in an AngularJS module definition: * * `.component('componentName', react2angular(ComponentName, ['prop1', 'prop2']))` * * if the second parameter has any ts errors check that the component has the correct props */ export function react2angular[]>( Component: React.ComponentType, propNames: U & ([PropNames] extends [U[number]] ? unknown : PropNames) ): IComponentOptions & { name: string } { const bindings = Object.fromEntries( => { // use two way binding for errors, to avoid shifting the layout from errors going between undefined <-> some value when using inputs. // See for more context if (key === 'errors') { return [key, '=']; } return [key, '<']; }) ); return { bindings, controller: Controller, name: _.camelCase(Component.displayName ||, }; /* @ngInject */ function Controller( this: IController, $element: HTMLElement[], $q: ng.IQService ) { let isDestroyed = false; const el = $element[0]; this.$onChanges = () => { if (!isDestroyed) { const props = toProps(propNames, this, $q); ReactDOM.render( {/* eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-props-no-spreading */} , el ); } }; this.$onDestroy = () => { if (!isDestroyed) { isDestroyed = true; ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(el); } }; } } export const r2a = react2angular;