import { EnvironmentStatus } from '@/react/portainer/environments/types'; import { updateAxiosAdapter } from '@/portainer/services/axios'; import { PortainerEndpointTypes } from 'Portainer/models/endpoint/models'; import { CACHE_REFRESH_EVENT, CACHE_DURATION } from '../portainer/services/http-request.helper'; import { cache } from '../portainer/services/axios'; import registriesModule from './registries'; import customTemplateModule from './custom-templates'; import { reactModule } from './react'; import './views/kubernetes.css'; // The angular-cache npm package didn't have exclude options, so implement a custom cache // with an added check to only cache kubernetes requests class ExpirationCache { constructor() { = new Map(); this.timeout = CACHE_DURATION; } get(key) { return; } put(key, val) { // only cache requests with 'kubernetes' in the url if (key.includes('kubernetes')) {, val); // remove it once it's expired setTimeout(() => { this.remove(key); }, this.timeout); } } remove(key) {; } removeAll() { = new Map(); } delete() { // skip because this is standalone, not a part of $cacheFactory } } angular.module('portainer.kubernetes', ['', registriesModule, customTemplateModule, reactModule]).config([ '$stateRegistryProvider', function ($stateRegistryProvider) { 'use strict'; const kubernetes = { name: 'kubernetes', url: '/kubernetes', parent: 'endpoint', abstract: true, onEnter: /* @ngInject */ function onEnter( $async, $state, endpoint, KubernetesHealthService, Notifications, StateManager, $http, Authentication, UserService, EndpointService, EndpointProvider ) { return $async(async () => { // if the user wants to use front end cache for performance, set the angular caching settings const userDetails = Authentication.getUserDetails(); const user = await UserService.user(userDetails.ID); updateAxiosAdapter(user.UseCache); if (user.UseCache) { $http.defaults.cache = new ExpirationCache(); window.addEventListener(CACHE_REFRESH_EVENT, () => { $http.defaults.cache.removeAll();; }); } const kubeTypes = [ PortainerEndpointTypes.KubernetesLocalEnvironment, PortainerEndpointTypes.AgentOnKubernetesEnvironment, PortainerEndpointTypes.EdgeAgentOnKubernetesEnvironment, ]; if (!kubeTypes.includes(endpoint.Type)) { $state.go('portainer.home'); return; } try { const status = await checkEndpointStatus(endpoint); if (endpoint.Type !== PortainerEndpointTypes.EdgeAgentOnKubernetesEnvironment) { await updateEndpointStatus(endpoint, status); } endpoint.Status = status; if (endpoint.Status === EnvironmentStatus.Down) { throw new Error( endpoint.Type === PortainerEndpointTypes.EdgeAgentOnKubernetesEnvironment ? 'Unable to contact Edge agent, please ensure that the agent is properly running on the remote environment.' : `The environment named ${endpoint.Name} is unreachable.` ); } await StateManager.updateEndpointState(endpoint); } catch (e) { let params = {}; if (endpoint.Type == PortainerEndpointTypes.EdgeAgentOnKubernetesEnvironment) { params = { redirect: true, environmentId: endpoint.Id, environmentName: endpoint.Name, route: 'kubernetes.dashboard' }; } else { EndpointProvider.clean(); Notifications.error('Failed loading environment', e); } $state.go('portainer.home', params, { reload: true, inherit: false }); return false; } async function checkEndpointStatus(endpoint) { try { await; return EnvironmentStatus.Up; } catch (e) { return EnvironmentStatus.Down; } } async function updateEndpointStatus(endpoint, status) { if (endpoint.Status === status) { return; } await EndpointService.updateEndpoint(endpoint.Id, { Status: status }); } }); }, }; const helmApplication = { name: 'kubernetes.helm', url: '/helm/:namespace/:name', views: { 'content@': { component: 'kubernetesHelmApplicationView', }, }, data: { docs: '/user/kubernetes/inspect-helm', }, }; const services = { name: '', url: '/services', views: { 'content@': { component: 'kubernetesServicesView', }, }, data: { docs: '/user/kubernetes/networking/services', }, }; const ingresses = { name: 'kubernetes.ingresses', url: '/ingresses', views: { 'content@': { component: 'kubernetesIngressesView', }, }, data: { docs: '/user/kubernetes/networking/ingresses', }, }; const ingressesCreate = { name: 'kubernetes.ingresses.create', url: '/add', views: { 'content@': { component: 'kubernetesIngressesCreateView', }, }, data: { docs: '/user/kubernetes/networking/ingresses/add', }, }; const ingressesEdit = { name: 'kubernetes.ingresses.edit', url: '/:namespace/:name/edit', views: { 'content@': { component: 'kubernetesIngressesCreateView', }, }, }; const applications = { name: 'kubernetes.applications', url: '/applications?tab', views: { 'content@': { component: 'kubernetesApplicationsView', }, }, data: { docs: '/user/kubernetes/applications', }, }; const applicationCreation = { name: '', url: '/new', views: { 'content@': { component: 'kubernetesCreateApplicationView', }, }, data: { docs: '/user/kubernetes/applications/add', }, }; const application = { name: 'kubernetes.applications.application', url: '/:namespace/:name?resource-type', views: { 'content@': { component: 'applicationDetailsView', }, }, data: { docs: '/user/kubernetes/applications/inspect', }, }; const applicationEdit = { name: 'kubernetes.applications.application.edit', url: '/edit', views: { 'content@': { component: 'kubernetesCreateApplicationView', }, }, data: { docs: '/user/kubernetes/applications/edit', }, }; const applicationConsole = { name: 'kubernetes.applications.application.console', url: '/:pod/:container/console', views: { 'content@': { component: 'kubernetesConsoleView', }, }, }; const applicationLogs = { name: 'kubernetes.applications.application.logs', url: '/:pod/:container/logs', views: { 'content@': { component: 'kubernetesApplicationLogsView', }, }, }; const applicationStats = { name: 'kubernetes.applications.application.stats', url: '/:pod/:container/stats', views: { 'content@': { component: 'kubernetesApplicationStatsView', }, }, }; const stacks = { name: 'kubernetes.stacks', url: '/stacks', abstract: true, }; const stack = { name: 'kubernetes.stacks.stack', url: '/:namespace/:name', abstract: true, }; const stackLogs = { name: 'kubernetes.stacks.stack.logs', url: '/logs', views: { 'content@': { component: 'kubernetesStackLogsView', }, }, }; const configurations = { name: 'kubernetes.configurations', url: '/configurations?tab', views: { 'content@': { component: 'kubernetesConfigMapsAndSecretsView', }, }, params: { tab: null, }, data: { docs: '/user/kubernetes/configurations', }, }; const configmaps = { name: 'kubernetes.configmaps', url: '/configmaps', abstract: true, data: { docs: '/user/kubernetes/configurations', }, }; const configMapCreation = { name: '', url: '/new', views: { 'content@': { component: 'kubernetesCreateConfigMapView', }, }, data: { docs: '/user/kubernetes/configurations/add-configmap', }, }; const configMap = { name: 'kubernetes.configmaps.configmap', url: '/:namespace/:name', views: { 'content@': { component: 'kubernetesConfigMapView', }, }, }; const secrets = { name: 'kubernetes.secrets', url: '/secrets', abstract: true, data: { docs: '/user/kubernetes/configurations', }, }; const secretCreation = { name: '', url: '/new', views: { 'content@': { component: 'kubernetesCreateSecretView', }, }, data: { docs: '/user/kubernetes/configurations/add-secret', }, }; const secret = { name: 'kubernetes.secrets.secret', url: '/:namespace/:name', views: { 'content@': { component: 'kubernetesSecretView', }, }, }; const cluster = { name: 'kubernetes.cluster', url: '/cluster', views: { 'content@': { component: 'kubernetesClusterView', }, }, data: { docs: '/user/kubernetes/cluster/details', }, }; const node = { name: 'kubernetes.cluster.node', url: '/:nodeName', views: { 'content@': { component: 'kubernetesNodeView', }, }, data: { docs: '/user/kubernetes/cluster/node', }, }; const nodeStats = { name: 'kubernetes.cluster.node.stats', url: '/stats', views: { 'content@': { component: 'kubernetesNodeStatsView', }, }, }; const dashboard = { name: 'kubernetes.dashboard', url: '/dashboard', views: { 'content@': { component: 'kubernetesDashboardView', }, }, data: { docs: '/user/kubernetes/dashboard', }, }; const deploy = { name: 'kubernetes.deploy', url: '/deploy?templateId&referrer&tab&buildMethod&chartName', views: { 'content@': { component: 'kubernetesDeployView', }, }, data: { docs: '/user/kubernetes/applications/manifest', }, }; const resourcePools = { name: 'kubernetes.resourcePools', url: '/namespaces', views: { 'content@': { component: 'kubernetesNamespacesView', }, }, data: { docs: '/user/kubernetes/namespaces', }, }; const namespaceCreation = { name: '', url: '/new', views: { 'content@': { component: 'kubernetesCreateNamespaceView', }, }, data: { docs: '/user/kubernetes/namespaces/add', }, }; const resourcePool = { name: 'kubernetes.resourcePools.resourcePool', url: '/:id', views: { 'content@': { component: 'kubernetesResourcePoolView', }, }, data: { docs: '/user/kubernetes/namespaces/manage', }, }; const resourcePoolAccess = { name: 'kubernetes.resourcePools.resourcePool.access', url: '/access', views: { 'content@': { component: 'kubernetesResourcePoolAccessView', }, }, data: { docs: '/user/kubernetes/namespaces/access', }, }; const volumes = { name: 'kubernetes.volumes', url: '/volumes?tab', views: { 'content@': { component: 'kubernetesVolumesView', }, }, data: { docs: '/user/kubernetes/volumes', }, }; const volume = { name: 'kubernetes.volumes.volume', url: '/:namespace/:name', views: { 'content@': { component: 'kubernetesVolumeView', }, }, }; const registries = { name: 'kubernetes.registries', url: '/registries', views: { 'content@': { component: 'environmentRegistriesView', }, }, data: { docs: '/user/kubernetes/cluster/registries', }, }; const registriesAccess = { name: 'kubernetes.registries.access', url: '/:id/access', views: { 'content@': { component: 'kubernetesRegistryAccessView', }, }, }; const endpointKubernetesConfiguration = { name: 'kubernetes.cluster.setup', url: '/configure', views: { 'content@': { component: 'kubernetesConfigureView', }, }, data: { docs: '/user/kubernetes/cluster/setup', }, }; const endpointKubernetesSecurityConstraint = { name: 'kubernetes.cluster.securityConstraint', url: '/securityConstraint', views: { 'content@': { templateUrl: '../kubernetes/views/security-constraint/constraint.html', controller: 'KubernetesSecurityConstraintController', }, }, data: { docs: '/user/kubernetes/cluster/security', }, }; const moreResources = { name: 'kubernetes.moreResources', url: '/moreResources', abstract: true, }; const serviceAccounts = { name: 'kubernetes.moreResources.serviceAccounts', url: '/serviceAccounts', views: { 'content@': { component: 'serviceAccountsView', }, }, data: { docs: '/user/kubernetes/more-resources/service-accounts', }, }; const clusterRoles = { name: 'kubernetes.moreResources.clusterRoles', url: '/clusterRoles?tab', views: { 'content@': { component: 'clusterRolesView', }, }, data: { docs: '/user/kubernetes/more-resources/cluster-roles', }, }; const roles = { name: 'kubernetes.moreResources.roles', url: '/roles?tab', views: { 'content@': { component: 'k8sRolesView', }, }, data: { docs: '/user/kubernetes/more-resources/namespace-roles', }, }; $stateRegistryProvider.register(kubernetes); $stateRegistryProvider.register(helmApplication); $stateRegistryProvider.register(applications); $stateRegistryProvider.register(applicationCreation); $stateRegistryProvider.register(application); $stateRegistryProvider.register(applicationEdit); $stateRegistryProvider.register(applicationConsole); $stateRegistryProvider.register(applicationLogs); $stateRegistryProvider.register(applicationStats); $stateRegistryProvider.register(stacks); $stateRegistryProvider.register(stack); $stateRegistryProvider.register(stackLogs); $stateRegistryProvider.register(configurations); $stateRegistryProvider.register(configmaps); $stateRegistryProvider.register(configMapCreation); $stateRegistryProvider.register(secrets); $stateRegistryProvider.register(secretCreation); $stateRegistryProvider.register(configMap); $stateRegistryProvider.register(secret); $stateRegistryProvider.register(cluster); $stateRegistryProvider.register(dashboard); $stateRegistryProvider.register(deploy); $stateRegistryProvider.register(node); $stateRegistryProvider.register(nodeStats); $stateRegistryProvider.register(resourcePools); $stateRegistryProvider.register(namespaceCreation); $stateRegistryProvider.register(resourcePool); $stateRegistryProvider.register(resourcePoolAccess); $stateRegistryProvider.register(volumes); $stateRegistryProvider.register(volume); $stateRegistryProvider.register(registries); $stateRegistryProvider.register(registriesAccess); $stateRegistryProvider.register(endpointKubernetesConfiguration); $stateRegistryProvider.register(endpointKubernetesSecurityConstraint); $stateRegistryProvider.register(services); $stateRegistryProvider.register(ingresses); $stateRegistryProvider.register(ingressesCreate); $stateRegistryProvider.register(ingressesEdit); $stateRegistryProvider.register(moreResources); $stateRegistryProvider.register(serviceAccounts); $stateRegistryProvider.register(clusterRoles); $stateRegistryProvider.register(roles); }, ]);