angular.module('containers', []) .controller('ContainersController', ['$q', '$scope', '$filter', 'Container', 'ContainerService', 'ContainerHelper', 'SystemService', 'Notifications', 'Pagination', 'EntityListService', 'ModalService', 'ResourceControlService', 'EndpointProvider', function ($q, $scope, $filter, Container, ContainerService, ContainerHelper, SystemService, Notifications, Pagination, EntityListService, ModalService, ResourceControlService, EndpointProvider) { $scope.state = {}; $scope.state.pagination_count = Pagination.getPaginationCount('containers'); $scope.state.displayAll = true; $scope.state.displayIP = false; $scope.sortType = 'State'; $scope.sortReverse = false; $scope.state.selectedItemCount = 0; $scope.truncate_size = 40; $scope.showMore = true; $scope.order = function (sortType) { $scope.sortReverse = ($scope.sortType === sortType) ? !$scope.sortReverse : false; $scope.sortType = sortType; }; $scope.PublicURL = EndpointProvider.endpointPublicURL(); $scope.changePaginationCount = function() { Pagination.setPaginationCount('containers', $scope.state.pagination_count); }; $scope.cleanAssociatedVolumes = false; var update = function (data) { $('#loadContainersSpinner').show(); $scope.state.selectedItemCount = 0; Container.query(data, function (d) { var containers = d; $scope.containers = (container) { var model = new ContainerViewModel(container); model.Status = $filter('containerstatus')(model.Status); EntityListService.rememberPreviousSelection($scope.containers, model, function onSelect(model){ $scope.selectItem(model); }); if (model.IP) { $scope.state.displayIP = true; } if ($scope.applicationState.endpoint.mode.provider === 'DOCKER_SWARM') { model.hostIP = $scope.swarm_hosts[_.split(container.Names[0], '/')[1]]; } return model; }); updateSelectionFlags(); $('#loadContainersSpinner').hide(); }, function (e) { $('#loadContainersSpinner').hide(); Notifications.error('Failure', e, 'Unable to retrieve containers'); $scope.containers = []; }); }; var batch = function (items, action, msg) { $('#loadContainersSpinner').show(); var counter = 0; var complete = function () { counter = counter - 1; if (counter === 0) { $('#loadContainersSpinner').hide(); update({all: $scope.state.displayAll ? 1 : 0}); } }; angular.forEach(items, function (c) { if (c.Checked) { counter = counter + 1; if (action === Container.start) { action({id: c.Id}, {}, function (d) { Notifications.success('Container ' + msg, c.Id); complete(); }, function (e) { Notifications.error('Failure', e, 'Unable to start container'); complete(); }); } else if (action === Container.remove) { ContainerService.remove(c, $scope.cleanAssociatedVolumes) .then(function success() { Notifications.success('Container successfully removed'); }) .catch(function error(err) { Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Unable to remove container'); }) .finally(function final() { complete(); }); } else if (action === Container.pause) { action({id: c.Id}, function (d) { if (d.message) { Notifications.success('Container is already paused', c.Id); } else { Notifications.success('Container ' + msg, c.Id); } complete(); }, function (e) { Notifications.error('Failure', e, 'Unable to pause container'); complete(); }); } else { action({id: c.Id}, function (d) { Notifications.success('Container ' + msg, c.Id); complete(); }, function (e) { Notifications.error('Failure', e, 'An error occured'); complete(); }); } } }); if (counter === 0) { $('#loadContainersSpinner').hide(); } }; $scope.selectItems = function (allSelected) { angular.forEach($scope.state.filteredContainers, function (container) { if (container.Checked !== allSelected) { container.Checked = allSelected; toggleItemSelection(container); } }); updateSelectionFlags(); }; $scope.selectItem = function (item) { toggleItemSelection(item); updateSelectionFlags(); }; $scope.toggleGetAll = function () { update({all: $scope.state.displayAll ? 1 : 0}); }; $scope.startAction = function () { batch($scope.containers, Container.start, 'Started'); }; $scope.stopAction = function () { batch($scope.containers, Container.stop, 'Stopped'); }; $scope.restartAction = function () { batch($scope.containers, Container.restart, 'Restarted'); }; $scope.killAction = function () { batch($scope.containers, Container.kill, 'Killed'); }; $scope.pauseAction = function () { batch($scope.containers, Container.pause, 'Paused'); }; $scope.unpauseAction = function () { batch($scope.containers, Container.unpause, 'Unpaused'); }; $scope.removeAction = function () { batch($scope.containers, Container.remove, 'Removed'); }; $scope.truncateMore = function(size) { $scope.truncate_size = 80; $scope.showMore = false; }; $scope.confirmRemoveAction = function () { var isOneContainerRunning = false; angular.forEach($scope.containers, function (c) { if (c.Checked && c.State === 'running') { isOneContainerRunning = true; return; } }); var title = 'You are about to remove one or more container.'; if (isOneContainerRunning) { title = 'You are about to remove one or more running containers.'; } ModalService.confirmContainerDeletion( title, function (result) { if(!result) { return; } $scope.cleanAssociatedVolumes = false; if (result[0]) { $scope.cleanAssociatedVolumes = true; } $scope.removeAction(); } ); }; function toggleItemSelection(item) { if (item.Checked) { $scope.state.selectedItemCount++; } else { $scope.state.selectedItemCount--; } } function updateSelectionFlags() { $scope.state.noStoppedItemsSelected = true; $scope.state.noRunningItemsSelected = true; $scope.state.noPausedItemsSelected = true; $scope.containers.forEach(function(container) { if(!container.Checked) { return; } if(container.Status === 'paused') { $scope.state.noPausedItemsSelected = false; } else if(container.Status === 'stopped' || container.Status === 'created') { $scope.state.noStoppedItemsSelected = false; } else if(container.Status === 'running') { $scope.state.noRunningItemsSelected = false; } } ); } function retrieveSwarmHostsInfo(data) { var swarm_hosts = {}; var systemStatus = data.SystemStatus; var node_count = parseInt(systemStatus[3][1], 10); var node_offset = 4; for (i = 0; i < node_count; i++) { var host = {}; = _.trim(systemStatus[node_offset][0]); host.ip = _.split(systemStatus[node_offset][1], ':')[0]; swarm_hosts[] = host.ip; node_offset += 9; } return swarm_hosts; } function initView() { var provider = $scope.applicationState.endpoint.mode.provider; $q.when(provider !== 'DOCKER_SWARM' || .then(function success(data) { if (provider === 'DOCKER_SWARM') { $scope.swarm_hosts = retrieveSwarmHostsInfo(data); } update({all: $scope.state.displayAll ? 1 : 0}); }) .catch(function error(err) { Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Unable to retrieve cluster information'); }); } initView(); }]);