import { MutationCache, MutationOptions, QueryCache, QueryClient, QueryKey, QueryOptions, } from '@tanstack/react-query'; import { notifyError } from '@/portainer/services/notifications'; export function withError(fallbackMessage?: string, title = 'Failure') { return { onError(error: unknown) { notifyError(title, error as Error, fallbackMessage); }, }; } export function withGlobalError(fallbackMessage?: string, title = 'Failure') { return { meta: { error: { message: fallbackMessage, title }, }, }; } type OptionalReadonly = T | Readonly; export function withInvalidate( queryClient: QueryClient, queryKeysToInvalidate: Array>>, // skipRefresh will set the mutation state to success without waiting for the invalidated queries to refresh // see the following for info: { skipRefresh }: { skipRefresh?: boolean } = {} ) { return { onSuccess() { const promise = Promise.all( => queryClient.invalidateQueries(keys)) ); return skipRefresh ? undefined // don't wait for queries to refresh before setting state to success : promise; // stay loading until all queries are refreshed }, }; } export function mutationOptions< TData = unknown, TError = unknown, TVariables = void, TContext = unknown, >(...options: MutationOptions[]) { return mergeOptions(options); } export function queryOptions< TQueryFnData = unknown, TError = unknown, TData = TQueryFnData, TQueryKey extends QueryKey = QueryKey, >(...options: QueryOptions[]) { return mergeOptions(options); } function mergeOptions(options: T[]) { return options.reduce( (acc, option) => ({ ...acc, ...option, }), {} as T ); } export function createQueryClient() { return new QueryClient({ mutationCache: new MutationCache({ onError: (error, variable, context, mutation) => { handleError(error, mutation.meta?.error); }, }), queryCache: new QueryCache({ onError: (error, mutation) => { handleError(error, mutation.meta?.error); }, }), }); } function handleError(error: unknown, errorMeta?: unknown) { if (errorMeta && typeof errorMeta === 'object') { const { title = 'Failure', message } = errorMeta as { title?: string; message?: string; }; notifyError(title, error as Error, message); } } export const queryClient = createQueryClient();