import { useQuery } from '@tanstack/react-query'; import { useEffect } from 'react'; import axios, { parseAxiosError } from '@/portainer/services/axios'; import { useCurrentEnvironment } from '@/react/hooks/useCurrentEnvironment'; import { useCurrentUser } from '@/react/hooks/useUser'; import { buildUrl } from '@/react/portainer/environments/environment.service/utils'; import { Environment, EnvironmentType, } from '@/react/portainer/environments/types'; import { isAgentEnvironment, isLocalEnvironment, } from '@/react/portainer/environments/utils'; import { RegistryId } from '@/react/portainer/registries/types/registry'; import { useRegistry } from '@/react/portainer/registries/queries/useRegistry'; import { Link } from '@@/Link'; import { TextTip } from '@@/Tip/TextTip'; import { getIsDockerHubRegistry } from './utils'; export function RateLimits({ registryId, onRateLimit, }: { registryId?: RegistryId; onRateLimit: (limited?: boolean) => void; }) { const registryQuery = useRegistry(registryId); const registry =; const isDockerHubRegistry = getIsDockerHubRegistry(registry); const environmentQuery = useCurrentEnvironment(); if ( ! || registryQuery.isLoading || !isDockerHubRegistry ) { return null; } return ( ); } function RateLimitsInner({ isAuthenticated = false, registryId = 0, onRateLimit, environment, }: { isAuthenticated?: boolean; registryId?: RegistryId; onRateLimit: (limited?: boolean) => void; environment: Environment; }) { const pullRateLimits = useRateLimits(registryId, environment, onRateLimit); const { isPureAdmin } = useCurrentUser(); if (!pullRateLimits) { return null; } return (
{pullRateLimits.remaining > 0 ? ( {isAuthenticated ? ( <> You are currently using a free account to pull images from DockerHub and will be limited to 200 pulls every 6 hours. Remaining pulls: {pullRateLimits.remaining}/{pullRateLimits.limit} ) : ( <> {isPureAdmin ? ( <> You are currently using an anonymous account to pull images from DockerHub and will be limited to 100 pulls every 6 hours. You can configure DockerHub authentication in the{' '} Registries View . Remaining pulls:{' '} {pullRateLimits.remaining}/{pullRateLimits.limit} ) : ( <> You are currently using an anonymous account to pull images from DockerHub and will be limited to 100 pulls every 6 hours. Contact your administrator to configure DockerHub authentication. Remaining pulls:{' '} {pullRateLimits.remaining}/{pullRateLimits.limit} )} )} ) : ( {isAuthenticated ? ( <> Your authorized pull count quota as a free user is now exceeded. You will not be able to pull any image from the DockerHub registry. ) : ( <> Your authorized pull count quota as an anonymous user is now exceeded. You will not be able to pull any image from the DockerHub registry. )} )}
); } interface PullRateLimits { remaining: number; limit: number; } function useRateLimits( registryId: RegistryId, environment: Environment, onRateLimit: (limited?: boolean) => void ) { const isValidForPull = isAgentEnvironment(environment.Type) || isLocalEnvironment(environment); const query = useQuery( ['dockerhub', environment.Id, registryId], () => getRateLimits(environment, registryId), { enabled: isValidForPull, } ); useEffect(() => { if (!isValidForPull || query.isError) { onRateLimit(); } if ( { onRateLimit( > 0 && === 0); } }, [isValidForPull, onRateLimit,, query.isError]); return isValidForPull ? : undefined; } function getRateLimits(environment: Environment, registryId: RegistryId) { if (isLocalEnvironment(environment)) { return getLocalEnvironmentRateLimits(environment.Id, registryId); } const envType = getEnvType(environment.Type); return getAgentEnvironmentRateLimits(environment.Id, envType, registryId); } async function getLocalEnvironmentRateLimits( environmentId: Environment['Id'], registryId: RegistryId ) { try { const { data } = await axios.get( buildUrl(environmentId, `dockerhub/${registryId}`) ); return data; } catch (e) { throw parseAxiosError( e as Error, 'Unable to retrieve DockerHub pull rate limits' ); } } function getEnvType(type: Environment['Type']) { switch (type) { case EnvironmentType.AgentOnKubernetes: case EnvironmentType.EdgeAgentOnKubernetes: return 'kubernetes'; case EnvironmentType.AgentOnDocker: case EnvironmentType.EdgeAgentOnDocker: default: return 'docker'; } } async function getAgentEnvironmentRateLimits( environmentId: Environment['Id'], envType: 'kubernetes' | 'docker', registryId: RegistryId ) { try { const { data } = await axios.get( buildUrl(environmentId, `${envType}/v2/dockerhub/${registryId}`) ); return data; } catch (e) { throw parseAxiosError( e as Error, 'Unable to retrieve DockerHub pull rate limits' ); } }