import _ from 'lodash-es'; import { KubernetesPortMapping, KubernetesPortMappingPort } from 'Kubernetes/models/port/models'; import { KubernetesServiceTypes } from 'Kubernetes/models/service/models'; import { KubernetesConfigurationTypes } from 'Kubernetes/models/configuration/models'; import { KubernetesApplicationConfigurationFormValueOverridenKeyTypes, KubernetesApplicationEnvironmentVariableFormValue, KubernetesApplicationConfigurationFormValue, KubernetesApplicationConfigurationFormValueOverridenKey, KubernetesApplicationPersistedFolderFormValue, KubernetesApplicationPublishedPortFormValue, KubernetesApplicationAutoScalerFormValue, } from 'Kubernetes/models/application/formValues'; import { KubernetesApplicationEnvConfigMapPayload, KubernetesApplicationEnvPayload, KubernetesApplicationEnvSecretPayload, KubernetesApplicationVolumeConfigMapPayload, KubernetesApplicationVolumeEntryPayload, KubernetesApplicationVolumeMountPayload, KubernetesApplicationVolumePersistentPayload, KubernetesApplicationVolumeSecretPayload, } from 'Kubernetes/models/application/payloads'; import KubernetesVolumeHelper from 'Kubernetes/helpers/volumeHelper'; class KubernetesApplicationHelper { static associatePodsAndApplication(pods, app) { return _.filter(pods, { Labels: app.spec.selector.matchLabels }); } static portMappingsFromApplications(applications) { const res = _.reduce( applications, (acc, app) => { if (app.PublishedPorts.length > 0) { const mapping = new KubernetesPortMapping(); mapping.Name = app.Name; mapping.ResourcePool = app.ResourcePool; mapping.ServiceType = app.ServiceType; mapping.LoadBalancerIPAddress = app.LoadBalancerIPAddress; mapping.ApplicationOwner = app.ApplicationOwner; mapping.Ports =, (item) => { const port = new KubernetesPortMappingPort(); port.Port = mapping.ServiceType === KubernetesServiceTypes.NODE_PORT ? item.NodePort : item.Port; port.TargetPort = item.TargetPort; port.Protocol = item.Protocol; port.IngressRules = item.IngressRules; return port; }); acc.push(mapping); } return acc; }, [] ); return res; } /** * FORMVALUES TO APPLICATION FUNCTIONS */ static generateEnvFromEnvVariables(envVariables) { _.remove(envVariables, (item) => item.NeedsDeletion); const env =, (item) => { const res = new KubernetesApplicationEnvPayload(); = item.Name; res.value = item.Value; return res; }); return env; } static generateEnvOrVolumesFromConfigurations(app, configurations) { let finalEnv = []; let finalVolumes = []; let finalMounts = []; _.forEach(configurations, (config) => { const isBasic = config.SelectedConfiguration.Type === KubernetesConfigurationTypes.CONFIGMAP; if (!config.Overriden) { const envKeys = _.keys(config.SelectedConfiguration.Data); _.forEach(envKeys, (item) => { const res = isBasic ? new KubernetesApplicationEnvConfigMapPayload() : new KubernetesApplicationEnvSecretPayload(); = item; if (isBasic) { = config.SelectedConfiguration.Name; res.valueFrom.configMapKeyRef.key = item; } else { = config.SelectedConfiguration.Name; res.valueFrom.secretKeyRef.key = item; } finalEnv.push(res); }); } else { const envKeys = _.filter(config.OverridenKeys, (item) => item.Type === KubernetesApplicationConfigurationFormValueOverridenKeyTypes.ENVIRONMENT); _.forEach(envKeys, (item) => { const res = isBasic ? new KubernetesApplicationEnvConfigMapPayload() : new KubernetesApplicationEnvSecretPayload(); = item.Key; if (isBasic) { = config.SelectedConfiguration.Name; res.valueFrom.configMapKeyRef.key = item.Key; } else { = config.SelectedConfiguration.Name; res.valueFrom.secretKeyRef.key = item.Key; } finalEnv.push(res); }); const volKeys = _.filter(config.OverridenKeys, (item) => item.Type === KubernetesApplicationConfigurationFormValueOverridenKeyTypes.FILESYSTEM); const groupedVolKeys = _.groupBy(volKeys, 'Path'); _.forEach(groupedVolKeys, (items, path) => { const volumeName = KubernetesVolumeHelper.generatedApplicationConfigVolumeName(app.Name); const configurationName = config.SelectedConfiguration.Name; const itemsMap =, (item) => { const entry = new KubernetesApplicationVolumeEntryPayload(); entry.key = item.Key; entry.path = item.Key; return entry; }); const mount = isBasic ? new KubernetesApplicationVolumeMountPayload() : new KubernetesApplicationVolumeMountPayload(true); const volume = isBasic ? new KubernetesApplicationVolumeConfigMapPayload() : new KubernetesApplicationVolumeSecretPayload(); = volumeName; mount.mountPath = path; = volumeName; if (isBasic) { = configurationName; volume.configMap.items = itemsMap; } else { volume.secret.secretName = configurationName; volume.secret.items = itemsMap; } finalMounts.push(mount); finalVolumes.push(volume); }); } }); app.Env = _.concat(app.Env, finalEnv); app.Volumes = _.concat(app.Volumes, finalVolumes); app.VolumeMounts = _.concat(app.VolumeMounts, finalMounts); return app; } static generateVolumesFromPersistentVolumClaims(app, volumeClaims) { app.VolumeMounts = []; app.Volumes = []; _.forEach(volumeClaims, (item) => { const volumeMount = new KubernetesApplicationVolumeMountPayload(); const name = item.Name; = name; volumeMount.mountPath = item.MountPath; app.VolumeMounts.push(volumeMount); const volume = new KubernetesApplicationVolumePersistentPayload(); = name; volume.persistentVolumeClaim.claimName = name; app.Volumes.push(volume); }); } /** * !FORMVALUES TO APPLICATION FUNCTIONS */ /** * APPLICATION TO FORMVALUES FUNCTIONS */ static generateEnvVariablesFromEnv(env) { const envVariables =, (item) => { if (!item.value) { return; } const res = new KubernetesApplicationEnvironmentVariableFormValue(); res.Name =; res.Value = item.value; res.IsNew = false; return res; }); return _.without(envVariables, undefined); } static generateConfigurationFormValuesFromEnvAndVolumes(env, volumes, configurations) { const finalRes = _.flatMap(configurations, (cfg) => { const filterCondition = cfg.Type === KubernetesConfigurationTypes.CONFIGMAP ? '' : ''; const cfgEnv = _.filter(env, [filterCondition, cfg.Name]); const cfgVol = _.filter(volumes, { configurationName: cfg.Name }); if (!cfgEnv.length && !cfgVol.length) { return; } const keys = _.reduce( _.keys(cfg.Data), (acc, k) => { const keyEnv = _.filter(cfgEnv, { name: k }); const keyVol = _.filter(cfgVol, { configurationKey: k }); const key = { Key: k, Count: keyEnv.length + keyVol.length, Sum: _.concat(keyEnv, keyVol), EnvCount: keyEnv.length, VolCount: keyVol.length, }; acc.push(key); return acc; }, [] ); const max = _.max(, 'Count')); const overrideThreshold = max - _.max(, 'VolCount')); const res = Array(max), () => new KubernetesApplicationConfigurationFormValue()); _.forEach(res, (item, index) => { item.SelectedConfiguration = cfg; const overriden = index >= overrideThreshold; if (overriden) { item.Overriden = true; item.OverridenKeys =, (k) => { const fvKey = new KubernetesApplicationConfigurationFormValueOverridenKey(); fvKey.Key = k.Key; if (index < k.EnvCount) { fvKey.Type = KubernetesApplicationConfigurationFormValueOverridenKeyTypes.ENVIRONMENT; } else { fvKey.Type = KubernetesApplicationConfigurationFormValueOverridenKeyTypes.FILESYSTEM; fvKey.Path = k.Sum[index].rootMountPath; } return fvKey; }); } }); return res; }); return _.without(finalRes, undefined); } static generatePersistedFoldersFormValuesFromPersistedFolders(persistedFolders, persistentVolumeClaims) { const finalRes =, (folder) => { const pvc = _.find(persistentVolumeClaims, (item) => _.startsWith(item.Name, folder.PersistentVolumeClaimName)); const res = new KubernetesApplicationPersistedFolderFormValue(pvc.StorageClass); res.PersistentVolumeClaimName = folder.PersistentVolumeClaimName; res.Size = parseInt(pvc.Storage.slice(0, -2)); res.SizeUnit = pvc.Storage.slice(-2); res.ContainerPath = folder.MountPath; return res; }); return finalRes; } static generatePublishedPortsFormValuesFromPublishedPorts(serviceType, publishedPorts) { const finalRes =, (port) => { const res = new KubernetesApplicationPublishedPortFormValue(); res.Protocol = port.Protocol; res.ContainerPort = port.TargetPort; if (serviceType === KubernetesServiceTypes.LOAD_BALANCER) { res.LoadBalancerPort = port.Port; res.LoadBalancerNodePort = port.NodePort; } else if (serviceType === KubernetesServiceTypes.NODE_PORT) { res.NodePort = port.NodePort; } return res; }); return finalRes; } static generateAutoScalerFormValueFromHorizontalPodAutoScaler(autoScaler) { const res = new KubernetesApplicationAutoScalerFormValue(); if (autoScaler) { res.IsUsed = true; res.MinReplicas = autoScaler.MinReplicas; res.MaxReplicas = autoScaler.MaxReplicas; res.TargetCPUUtilization = autoScaler.TargetCPUUtilization; res.ApiVersion = autoScaler.ApiVersion; } else { res.ApiVersion = 'apps/v1'; } return res; } /** * !APPLICATION TO FORMVALUES FUNCTIONS */ static isExternalApplication(application) { return !application.ApplicationOwner; } } export default KubernetesApplicationHelper;