This namespace has exhausted its resource capacity and you will not be able to deploy the application. Contact your administrator to expand the capacity of the namespace.
You do not have access to any namespace. Contact your administrator to get access to a namespace.
Portainer can automatically bundle multiple applications inside a stack. Enter a name of a new stack or select an existing stack in the list. Leave empty to use the application name.

Portainer no longer supports docker-compose format manifests for Kubernetes deployments, and we have removed the Kompose conversion tool which enables this. The reason for this is because Kompose now poses a security risk, since it has a number of Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs).

Unfortunately, while the Kompose project has a maintainer and is part of the CNCF, it is not being actively maintained. Releases are very infrequent and new pull requests to the project (including ones we've submitted) are taking months to be merged, with new CVEs arising in the meantime.

We advise installing your own instance of Kompose in a sandbox environment, performing conversions of your Docker Compose files to Kubernetes manifests and using those manifests to set up applications.

This feature allows you to deploy any kind of Kubernetes resource in this environment (Deployment, Secret, ConfigMap...).

You can get more information about Kubernetes file format in the official documentation.


This field is required.

This field must consist of lower case alphanumeric characters or '-', contain at most 63 characters, start with an alphabetic character, and end with an alphanumeric character (e.g. 'my-name', or 'abc-123').

An application with the same name already exists inside the selected namespace.

Portainer can automatically bundle multiple applications inside a stack. Enter a name of a new stack or select an existing stack in the list. Leave empty to use the application name.

Environment variable name is required.

This field must consist of alphabetic characters, digits, '_', '-', or '.', and must not start with a digit (e.g. 'my.env-name', or 'MY_ENV.NAME', or 'MyEnvName1'.

This environment variable is already defined.

Add environment variable
Portainer will automatically expose all the keys of a ConfigMap as environment variables. This behavior can be overridden to filesystem mounts for each key via the override option.
The following keys will be loaded from the {{ config.SelectedConfiguration.Name }} ConfigMap as environment variables: {{ key }}{{ $last ? '' : ', ' }}
path on disk

Path is required.

This path is already used.

There are no ConfigMaps available in this namespace.

Portainer will automatically expose all the keys of a Secret as environment variables. This behavior can be overridden to filesystem mounts for each key via the override option.
The following keys will be loaded from the {{ config.SelectedConfiguration.Name }} Secret as environment variables: {{ key }}{{ $last ? '' : ', ' }}
path on disk

Path is required.

This path is already used.

There are no secrets available in this namespace.

No storage option is available to persist data, contact your administrator to enable a storage option.
This namespace has exhausted its storage capacity. Contact your administrator to expand the capacity of the namespace.
path in container
requested size

Path is required.

This path is already defined.

Size is required.

This value must be greater than zero.

You can only request up to {{ ctrl.state.storages.availabilities[persistedFolder.StorageClass.Name] | kubernetesAppStorageRequestSizeHumanReadable }} for {{ persistedFolder.StorageClass.Name }}

Volume is required.

This volume is already used.

Add persisted folder
Specify how the data will be used across instances.
Resource reservations
Resource reservations are applied per instance of the application.
A resource quota is set on this namespace, you must specify resource reservations. Resource reservations are applied per instance of the application. Maximums are inherited from the namespace quota.
This namespace has exhausted its resource capacity and you will not be able to deploy the application. Contact your administrator to expand the capacity of the namespace.

Value must be between {{ ctrl.state.sliders.memory.min }} and {{ ctrl.state.sliders.memory.max }}

These reservations would exceed the resources currently available in the cluster.
Select how you want to deploy your application inside the cluster.

Instance count is required.

Instance count must be greater than 0.

This application will reserve the following resources: {{ ctrl.formValues.CpuLimit * ctrl.formValues.ReplicaCount | kubernetesApplicationCPUValue }} CPU and {{ ctrl.formValues.MemoryLimit * ctrl.formValues.ReplicaCount }} MB of memory.
This application would exceed available resources. Please review resource reservations or the instance count.
This application would exceed available storage. Please review the persisted folders or the instance count.
The following storage option(s) do not support concurrent access from multiples instances: {{ ctrl.getNonScalableStorage() }}. You will not be able to scale that application.

This feature is currently disabled and must be enabled by an administrator user.

Server metrics features must be enabled in the environment configuration view.

Minimum instances is required.

Minimum instances must be greater than 0.

Minimum instances must be smaller than maximum instances.

Maximum instances is required.

Maximum instances must be greater than minimum instances.

Target CPU usage is required.

Target CPU usage must be greater than 0.

Target CPU usage must be smaller than 100.

This application would exceed available resources. Please review resource reservations or the maximum instance count of the auto-scaling policy.
Placement preferences and constraints
Deploy this application on nodes that respect ALL of the following placement rules. Placement rules are based on node labels.

This label is already defined.

Add rule
Specify the policy associated to the placement rules.
This namespace has exhausted its resource capacity and you will not be able to deploy the application. Contact your administrator to expand the capacity of the namespace.
You do not have access to any namespace. Contact your administrator to get access to a namespace.