import _ from 'lodash-es'; import { KubernetesPortMapping, KubernetesPortMappingPort } from 'Kubernetes/models/port/models'; import { KubernetesService, KubernetesServicePort, KubernetesServiceTypes } from 'Kubernetes/models/service/models'; import { KubernetesConfigurationKinds } from 'Kubernetes/models/configuration/models'; import { KubernetesApplicationAutoScalerFormValue, KubernetesApplicationConfigurationFormValue, KubernetesApplicationConfigurationFormValueOverridenKey, KubernetesApplicationEnvironmentVariableFormValue, KubernetesApplicationPersistedFolderFormValue, KubernetesApplicationPlacementFormValue, KubernetesApplicationPublishedPortFormValue, } from 'Kubernetes/models/application/formValues'; import { KubernetesApplicationEnvConfigMapPayload, KubernetesApplicationEnvPayload, KubernetesApplicationEnvSecretPayload, KubernetesApplicationVolumeConfigMapPayload, KubernetesApplicationVolumeEntryPayload, KubernetesApplicationVolumeMountPayload, KubernetesApplicationVolumePersistentPayload, KubernetesApplicationVolumeSecretPayload, } from 'Kubernetes/models/application/payloads'; import KubernetesVolumeHelper from 'Kubernetes/helpers/volumeHelper'; import { KubernetesApplicationDeploymentTypes, KubernetesApplicationPlacementTypes, KubernetesApplicationTypes, HelmApplication } from 'Kubernetes/models/application/models'; import { KubernetesPodAffinity, KubernetesPodNodeAffinityNodeSelectorRequirementOperators } from 'Kubernetes/pod/models'; import { KubernetesNodeSelectorRequirementPayload, KubernetesNodeSelectorTermPayload, KubernetesPodNodeAffinityPayload, KubernetesPreferredSchedulingTermPayload, } from 'Kubernetes/pod/payloads/affinities'; export const PodKubernetesInstanceLabel = ''; export const PodManagedByLabel = ''; class KubernetesApplicationHelper { /* #region UTILITY FUNCTIONS */ static isExternalApplication(application) { return !application.ApplicationOwner; } static associatePodsAndApplication(pods, selector) { return _.filter(pods, ['metadata.labels', selector.matchLabels]); } static associateContainerPersistedFoldersAndConfigurations(app, containers) { _.forEach(containers, (container) => { container.PersistedFolders = _.without(, (pf) => { if (pf.MountPath && _.includes(, 'mountPath'), pf.MountPath)) { return pf; } }), undefined ); container.ConfigurationVolumes = _.without(, (cv) => { if (cv.rootMountPath && _.includes(, 'mountPath'), cv.rootMountPath)) { return cv; } }), undefined ); }); } static associateContainersAndApplication(app) { if (!app.Pods || app.Pods.length === 0) { return []; } const containers = app.Pods[0].Containers; KubernetesApplicationHelper.associateContainerPersistedFoldersAndConfigurations(app, containers); return containers; } static portMappingsFromApplications(applications) { const res = _.reduce( applications, (acc, app) => { if (app.PublishedPorts.length > 0) { const mapping = new KubernetesPortMapping(); mapping.Name = app.Name; mapping.ResourcePool = app.ResourcePool; mapping.ServiceType = app.ServiceType; mapping.LoadBalancerIPAddress = app.LoadBalancerIPAddress; mapping.ApplicationOwner = app.ApplicationOwner; mapping.Ports =, (item) => { const port = new KubernetesPortMappingPort(); port.Port = mapping.ServiceType === KubernetesServiceTypes.NODE_PORT ? item.NodePort : item.Port; port.TargetPort = item.TargetPort; port.Protocol = item.Protocol; port.IngressRules = item.IngressRules; return port; }); acc.push(mapping); } return acc; }, [] ); return res; } /* #endregion */ /* #region ENV VARIABLES FV <> ENV */ static generateEnvFromEnvVariables(envVariables) { _.remove(envVariables, (item) => item.needsDeletion); const env =, (item) => { const res = new KubernetesApplicationEnvPayload(); =; if (item.value === undefined) { delete res.value; } else { res.value = item.value; } return res; }); return env; } static generateEnvVariablesFromEnv(env) { const envVariables =, (item) => { if (item.valueFrom) { return; } const res = new KubernetesApplicationEnvironmentVariableFormValue(); =; res.value = item.value; res.isNew = false; res.nameIndex =; return res; }); return _.without(envVariables, undefined); } /* #endregion */ /* #region CONFIGURATIONS FV <> ENV & VOLUMES */ static generateConfigurationFormValuesFromEnvAndVolumes(env, volumes, configurations, configurationKind) { const filterCondition = configurationKind === KubernetesConfigurationKinds.CONFIGMAP ? '' : ''; const finalRes = _.flatMap(configurations, (cfg) => { const cfgEnv = _.filter(env, [filterCondition, cfg.Name]); const cfgVol = volumes.filter((volume) => volume.configurationName === cfg.Name && volume.configurationType === configurationKind); if (!cfgEnv.length && !cfgVol.length) { return; } const keys = _.reduce( _.keys(cfg.Data), (acc, k) => { const keyEnv = _.filter(cfgEnv, { name: k }); const keyVol = _.filter(cfgVol, { configurationKey: k }); const key = { Key: k, Count: keyEnv.length + keyVol.length, Sum: _.concat(keyEnv, keyVol), EnvCount: keyEnv.length, VolCount: keyVol.length, }; acc.push(key); return acc; }, [] ); const max = _.max(, 'Count')); const overrideThreshold = max - _.max(, 'VolCount')); const res = Array(max), () => new KubernetesApplicationConfigurationFormValue()); _.forEach(res, (item, index) => { item.selectedConfiguration = cfg; // workaround to load configurations in the app in the select inputs // this should be removed when the edit parent view is migrated to react item.selectedConfiguration.metadata = {}; = cfg.Name; const overriden = index >= overrideThreshold; if (overriden) { item.overriden = true; item.overridenKeys =, (k) => { const fvKey = new KubernetesApplicationConfigurationFormValueOverridenKey(); fvKey.key = k.Key; if (!k.Count) { // !k.Count indicates k.key is new added to the configuration and has not been loaded to the application yet fvKey.type = 'NONE'; } else if (index < k.EnvCount) { fvKey.type = 'ENVIRONMENT'; } else { fvKey.type = 'FILESYSTEM'; fvKey.path = k.Sum[index].rootMountPath; } return fvKey; }); } }); return res; }); return _.without(finalRes, undefined); } static generateEnvOrVolumesFromConfigurations(app, configMaps, secrets) { const configurations = [...configMaps, ...secrets]; let finalEnv = []; let finalVolumes = []; let finalMounts = []; _.forEach(configurations, (config) => { const isBasic = config.selectedConfiguration.kind === 'ConfigMap'; if (!config.overriden) { const envKeys = _.keys(; _.forEach(envKeys, (item) => { const res = isBasic ? new KubernetesApplicationEnvConfigMapPayload() : new KubernetesApplicationEnvSecretPayload(); = item; if (isBasic) { =; res.valueFrom.configMapKeyRef.key = item; } else { =; res.valueFrom.secretKeyRef.key = item; } finalEnv.push(res); }); } else { const envKeys = _.filter(config.overridenKeys, (item) => item.type === 'ENVIRONMENT'); _.forEach(envKeys, (item) => { const res = isBasic ? new KubernetesApplicationEnvConfigMapPayload() : new KubernetesApplicationEnvSecretPayload(); = item.key; if (isBasic) { =; res.valueFrom.configMapKeyRef.key = item.key; } else { =; res.valueFrom.secretKeyRef.key = item.key; } finalEnv.push(res); }); const volKeys = _.filter(config.overridenKeys, (item) => item.type === 'FILESYSTEM'); const groupedVolKeys = _.groupBy(volKeys, 'path'); _.forEach(groupedVolKeys, (items, path) => { const volumeName = KubernetesVolumeHelper.generatedApplicationConfigVolumeName(app.Name); const configurationName =; const itemsMap =, (item) => { const entry = new KubernetesApplicationVolumeEntryPayload(); entry.key = item.key; entry.path = item.key; return entry; }); const mount = isBasic ? new KubernetesApplicationVolumeMountPayload() : new KubernetesApplicationVolumeMountPayload(true); const volume = isBasic ? new KubernetesApplicationVolumeConfigMapPayload() : new KubernetesApplicationVolumeSecretPayload(); = volumeName; mount.mountPath = path; = volumeName; if (isBasic) { = configurationName; volume.configMap.items = itemsMap; } else { volume.secret.secretName = configurationName; volume.secret.items = itemsMap; } finalMounts.push(mount); finalVolumes.push(volume); }); } }); app.Env = _.concat(app.Env, finalEnv); app.Volumes = _.concat(app.Volumes, finalVolumes); app.VolumeMounts = _.concat(app.VolumeMounts, finalMounts); return app; } /* #endregion */ /* #region SERVICES -> SERVICES FORM VALUES */ static generateServicesFormValuesFromServices(app, ingresses) { let services = []; if (app.Services) { app.Services.forEach(function (service) { //skip generate formValues if service = headless service ( clusterIp === "None" ) if (service.spec.clusterIP !== 'None') { const svc = new KubernetesService(); svc.Namespace = service.metadata.namespace; svc.Name =; svc.StackName = service.StackName; svc.ApplicationOwner = app.ApplicationOwner; svc.ApplicationName = app.ApplicationName; svc.Type = service.spec.type; if (service.spec.type === KubernetesServiceTypes.CLUSTER_IP) { svc.Type = 1; } else if (service.spec.type === KubernetesServiceTypes.NODE_PORT) { svc.Type = 2; } else if (service.spec.type === KubernetesServiceTypes.LOAD_BALANCER) { svc.Type = 3; } let ports = []; service.spec.ports.forEach(function (port) { const svcport = new KubernetesServicePort(); =; svcport.port = port.port; svcport.nodePort = port.nodePort || 0; svcport.protocol = port.protocol; svcport.targetPort = port.targetPort; svcport.serviceName =; svcport.ingressPaths = []; ingresses.forEach((ingress) => { const matchingIngressPaths = ingress.Paths.filter((ingPath) => ingPath.ServiceName === && ingPath.Port === port.port); // only add ingress info to the port if the ingress serviceport and name matches const newPaths = => ({ IngressName: ingPath.IngressName, Host: ingPath.Host, Path: ingPath.Path, })); svcport.ingressPaths = [...svcport.ingressPaths, ...newPaths]; svc.Ingress = matchingIngressPaths.length > 0; }); ports.push(svcport); }); svc.Ports = ports; svc.Selector = app.Raw.spec.selector.matchLabels; services.push(svc); } }); return services; } } /* #endregion */ static generateSelectorFromService(app) { if (app.Raw.kind !== 'Pod') { const selector = app.Raw.spec.selector.matchLabels; return selector; } } /* #region PUBLISHED PORTS FV <> PUBLISHED PORTS */ static generatePublishedPortsFormValuesFromPublishedPorts(serviceType, publishedPorts, ingress) { const generatePort = (port, rule) => { const res = new KubernetesApplicationPublishedPortFormValue(); res.IsNew = false; if (rule) { res.IngressName = rule.IngressName; res.IngressRoute = rule.Path; res.IngressHost = rule.Host; res.IngressHosts = ingress && ingress.find((i) => i.Name === rule.IngressName).Hosts; } res.Protocol = port.Protocol; res.ContainerPort = port.TargetPort; if (serviceType === KubernetesServiceTypes.LOAD_BALANCER) { res.LoadBalancerPort = port.Port; res.LoadBalancerNodePort = port.NodePort; } else if (serviceType === KubernetesServiceTypes.NODE_PORT) { res.NodePort = port.NodePort; } return res; }; const finalRes = _.flatMap(publishedPorts, (port) => { if (port.IngressRules.length) { return, (rule) => generatePort(port, rule)); } return generatePort(port); }); return finalRes; } /* #endregion */ /* #region AUTOSCALER FV <> HORIZONTAL POD AUTOSCALER */ static generateAutoScalerFormValueFromHorizontalPodAutoScaler(autoScaler, replicasCount) { const res = new KubernetesApplicationAutoScalerFormValue(); if (autoScaler) { res.IsUsed = true; res.MinReplicas = autoScaler.MinReplicas; res.MaxReplicas = autoScaler.MaxReplicas; res.TargetCPUUtilization = autoScaler.TargetCPUUtilization; res.ApiVersion = autoScaler.ApiVersion; } else { res.ApiVersion = 'apps/v1'; res.MinReplicas = replicasCount; res.MaxReplicas = replicasCount; } return res; } /* #endregion */ /* #region PERSISTED FOLDERS FV <> VOLUMES */ static generatePersistedFoldersFormValuesFromPersistedFolders(persistedFolders, persistentVolumeClaims) { const finalRes =, (folder) => { const pvc = _.find(persistentVolumeClaims, (item) => _.startsWith(item.Name, folder.PersistentVolumeClaimName)); const res = new KubernetesApplicationPersistedFolderFormValue(pvc.StorageClass); res.PersistentVolumeClaimName = folder.PersistentVolumeClaimName; res.Size = parseInt(pvc.Storage, 10); res.SizeUnit = pvc.Storage.slice(-2); res.ContainerPath = folder.MountPath; return res; }); return finalRes; } static generateVolumesFromPersistentVolumClaims(app, volumeClaims) { app.VolumeMounts = []; app.Volumes = []; _.forEach(volumeClaims, (item) => { const volumeMount = new KubernetesApplicationVolumeMountPayload(); const name = item.Name; = name; volumeMount.mountPath = item.MountPath; app.VolumeMounts.push(volumeMount); const volume = new KubernetesApplicationVolumePersistentPayload(); = name; volume.persistentVolumeClaim.claimName = name; app.Volumes.push(volume); }); } static hasRWOOnly(formValues) { return _.find(formValues.PersistedFolders, (item) => item.StorageClass && _.isEqual(item.StorageClass.AccessModes, ['RWO'])); } static hasRWX(claims) { return _.find(claims, (item) => item.StorageClass && _.includes(item.StorageClass.AccessModes, 'RWX')) !== undefined; } /* #endregion */ /* #region PLACEMENTS FV <> AFFINITY */ static generatePlacementsFormValuesFromAffinity(formValues, podAffinity, nodesLabels) { let placements = formValues.Placements; let type = formValues.PlacementType; const affinity = podAffinity.nodeAffinity; if (affinity && affinity.requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution) { type = KubernetesApplicationPlacementTypes.MANDATORY; _.forEach(affinity.requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution.nodeSelectorTerms, (term) => { _.forEach(term.matchExpressions, (exp) => { const placement = new KubernetesApplicationPlacementFormValue(); const label = _.find(nodesLabels, { Key: exp.key }); placement.Label = label; placement.Value = exp.values[0]; placement.IsNew = false; placements.push(placement); }); }); } else if (affinity && affinity.preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution) { type = KubernetesApplicationPlacementTypes.PREFERRED; _.forEach(affinity.preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution, (term) => { _.forEach(term.preference.matchExpressions, (exp) => { const placement = new KubernetesApplicationPlacementFormValue(); const label = _.find(nodesLabels, { Key: exp.key }); placement.Label = label; placement.Value = exp.values[0]; placement.IsNew = false; placements.push(placement); }); }); } formValues.Placements = placements; formValues.PlacementType = type; } static generateAffinityFromPlacements(app, formValues) { if (formValues.DeploymentType === KubernetesApplicationDeploymentTypes.REPLICATED) { const placements = formValues.Placements; const res = new KubernetesPodNodeAffinityPayload(); let expressions =, (p) => { if (!p.NeedsDeletion) { const exp = new KubernetesNodeSelectorRequirementPayload(); exp.key = p.Label.Key; if (p.Value) { exp.operator = KubernetesPodNodeAffinityNodeSelectorRequirementOperators.IN; exp.values = [p.Value]; } else { exp.operator = KubernetesPodNodeAffinityNodeSelectorRequirementOperators.EXISTS; delete exp.values; } return exp; } }); expressions = _.without(expressions, undefined); if (expressions.length) { if (formValues.PlacementType === KubernetesApplicationPlacementTypes.MANDATORY) { const term = new KubernetesNodeSelectorTermPayload(); term.matchExpressions = expressions; res.requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution.nodeSelectorTerms.push(term); delete res.preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution; } else if (formValues.PlacementType === KubernetesApplicationPlacementTypes.PREFERRED) { const term = new KubernetesPreferredSchedulingTermPayload(); term.preference = new KubernetesNodeSelectorTermPayload(); term.preference.matchExpressions = expressions; res.preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution.push(term); delete res.requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution; } app.Affinity = new KubernetesPodAffinity(); app.Affinity.nodeAffinity = res; } } } /* #endregion */ /** * Get Helm managed applications * @param {KubernetesApplication[]} applications Application list * @returns {Object} { [releaseName]: [app1, app2, ...], [releaseName2]: [app3, app4, ...] } */ static getHelmApplications(applications) { // filter out all the applications that are managed by helm // to identify the helm managed applications, we need to check if the applications pod labels include // `` and `` = `helm` const helmManagedApps = applications.filter( (app) => app.Metadata.labels && app.Metadata.labels[PodKubernetesInstanceLabel] && app.Metadata.labels[PodManagedByLabel] === 'Helm' ); // groups the helm managed applications by helm release name // the release name is retrieved from the `` label on the pods within the apps // `namespacedHelmReleases` object structure: // { // [namespace1]: { // [releaseName]: [app1, app2, ...], // }, // [namespace2]: { // [releaseName2]: [app1, app2, ...], // } // } const namespacedHelmReleases = {}; helmManagedApps.forEach((app) => { const namespace = app.ResourcePool; const instanceLabel = app.Metadata.labels[PodKubernetesInstanceLabel]; if (namespacedHelmReleases[namespace]) { namespacedHelmReleases[namespace][instanceLabel] = [...(namespacedHelmReleases[namespace][instanceLabel] || []), app]; } else { namespacedHelmReleases[namespace] = { [instanceLabel]: [app] }; } }); // `helmAppsEntriesList` object structure: // [ // ["airflow-test", Array(5)], // ["traefik", Array(1)], // ["airflow-test", Array(2)], // ..., // ] const helmAppsEntriesList = Object.values(namespacedHelmReleases).flatMap((r) => Object.entries(r)); const helmAppsList =[helmInstance, applications]) => { const helmApp = new HelmApplication(); helmApp.Name = helmInstance; helmApp.ApplicationType = KubernetesApplicationTypes.HELM; helmApp.ApplicationOwner = applications[0].ApplicationOwner; helmApp.KubernetesApplications = applications; // the status of helm app is `Ready` based on whether the underlying RunningPodsCount of the k8s app // reaches the TotalPodsCount of the app const appsNotReady = applications.some((app) => app.RunningPodsCount < app.TotalPodsCount); helmApp.Status = appsNotReady ? 'Not ready' : 'Ready'; // use earliest date helmApp.CreationDate = => app.CreationDate).sort((a, b) => new Date(a) - new Date(b))[0]; // use first app namespace as helm app namespace helmApp.ResourcePool = applications[0].ResourcePool; // required for persisting table expansion state and differenting same named helm apps across different namespaces helmApp.Id = helmApp.ResourcePool + '-' + helmApp.Name.toLowerCase().replaceAll(' ', '-'); return helmApp; }); return helmAppsList; } /** * Get nested applications - * @param {KubernetesApplication[]} applications Application list * @returns {Object} { helmApplications: [app1, app2, ...], nonHelmApplications: [app3, app4, ...] } */ static getNestedApplications(applications) { const helmApplications = KubernetesApplicationHelper.getHelmApplications(applications); // filter out helm managed applications const helmAppNames = [ Set( => hma.Name))]; // distinct helm app names const nonHelmApplications = applications.filter((app) => { if (app.Metadata.labels) { return !helmAppNames.includes(app.Metadata.labels[PodKubernetesInstanceLabel]); } return true; }); return { helmApplications, nonHelmApplications }; } } export default KubernetesApplicationHelper;