import { SchemaOf, number, object } from 'yup'; import { ReplicaCountFormValues } from './types'; type ValidationData = { resourceReservationsOverflow: boolean; quotaExceeded: boolean; nonScalableStorage: string; supportScalableReplicaDeployment: boolean; }; export function replicationValidation( validationData?: ValidationData ): SchemaOf { const { resourceReservationsOverflow, quotaExceeded, nonScalableStorage, supportScalableReplicaDeployment, } = validationData || {}; return object({ replicaCount: number() .min(1, 'Instance count must be greater than 0.') .test( 'overflow', 'This application would exceed available resources. Please review resource reservations or the instance count.', () => !resourceReservationsOverflow // must not have resource reservations overflow ) .test( 'quota', 'This application would exceed available storage. Please review the persisted folders or the instance count.', () => !quotaExceeded // must not have quota exceeded ) .test( 'scalable', `The following storage option(s) do not support concurrent access from multiples instances: ${nonScalableStorage}. You will not be able to scale that application.`, () => !!supportScalableReplicaDeployment // must have support scalable replica deployment ) .required('Instance count is required.'), }); }