import angular from 'angular'; import _ from 'lodash-es'; import { DockerHubViewModel } from 'Portainer/models/dockerhub'; import { RegistryTypes } from '@/portainer/models/registryTypes'; class porImageRegistryController { /* @ngInject */ constructor($async, $scope, ImageHelper, RegistryService, EndpointService, ImageService, Notifications) { this.$async = $async; this.$scope = $scope; this.ImageHelper = ImageHelper; this.RegistryService = RegistryService; this.EndpointService = EndpointService; this.ImageService = ImageService; this.Notifications = Notifications; this.onRegistryChange = this.onRegistryChange.bind(this); this.onImageChange = this.onImageChange.bind(this); this.registries = []; this.images = []; this.defaultRegistry = new DockerHubViewModel(); this.$scope.$watch(() => this.model.Registry, this.onRegistryChange); this.$scope.$watch(() => this.model.Image, this.onImageChange); } isKnownRegistry(registry) { return !(registry instanceof DockerHubViewModel) && registry.URL; } getRegistryURL(registry) { let url = registry.URL; if (registry.Type === RegistryTypes.GITLAB) { url = registry.URL + '/' + registry.Gitlab.ProjectPath; } return url; } prepareAutocomplete() { let images = []; const registry = this.model.Registry; if (this.isKnownRegistry(registry)) { const url = this.getRegistryURL(registry); const registryImages = _.filter(this.images, (image) => _.includes(image, url)); images =, (image) => _.replace(image, new RegExp(url + '/?'), '')); } else { const registries = _.filter(this.registries, (reg) => this.isKnownRegistry(reg)); const registryImages = _.flatMap(registries, (registry) => _.filter(this.images, (image) => _.includes(image, registry.URL))); const imagesWithoutKnown = _.difference(this.images, registryImages); images = _.filter(imagesWithoutKnown, (image) => !this.ImageHelper.imageContainsURL(image)); } this.availableImages = images; } isDockerHubRegistry() { return this.model.UseRegistry && (this.model.Registry.Type === RegistryTypes.DOCKERHUB || this.model.Registry.Type === RegistryTypes.ANONYMOUS); } async onRegistryChange() { this.prepareAutocomplete(); if (this.model.Registry.Type === RegistryTypes.GITLAB && this.model.Image) { this.model.Image = _.replace(this.model.Image, this.model.Registry.Gitlab.ProjectPath, ''); } } async onImageChange() { if (!this.isDockerHubRegistry()) { this.setValidity(true); } } displayedRegistryURL() { return this.getRegistryURL(this.model.Registry) || ''; } async reloadRegistries() { return this.$async(async () => { try { let showDefaultRegistry = false; this.registries = await this.EndpointService.registries(this.endpoint.Id, this.namespace); // hide default(anonymous) dockerhub registry if user has an authenticated one if (!this.registries.some((registry) => registry.Type === RegistryTypes.DOCKERHUB)) { showDefaultRegistry = true; this.registries.push(this.defaultRegistry); } const id = this.model.Registry.Id; const registry = _.find(this.registries, { Id: id }); if (!registry) { this.model.Registry = showDefaultRegistry ? this.defaultRegistry : this.registries[0]; } } catch (err) { this.Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Unable to retrieve registries'); } }); } async loadImages() { return this.$async(async () => { try { if (!this.autoComplete) { this.images = []; return; } const images = await this.ImageService.images(); this.images = this.ImageService.getUniqueTagListFromImages(images); } catch (err) { this.Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Unable to retrieve images'); } }); } $onChanges({ namespace, endpoint }) { if ((namespace || endpoint) && this.endpoint.Id) { this.reloadRegistries(); } } $onInit() { return this.$async(async () => { await this.loadImages(); }); } } export default porImageRegistryController; angular.module('portainer.docker').controller('porImageRegistryController', porImageRegistryController);