Resource pools > Create a resource pool

This field is required.

This field must consist of lower case alphanumeric characters, '-' or '.', and must start and end with an alphanumeric character.

A resource pool with the same name already exists.


A resource pool segments the underyling physical Kubernetes cluster into smaller virtual clusters. You should assign a capped limit of resources to this pool or disable for the safe operation of your platform.

At least a single limit must be set for the quota to be valid.

Resource limits

Maximum memory usage (MB)

Value must be between {{ ctrl.defaults.MemoryLimit }} and {{ ctrl.state.sliderMaxMemory }}

Maximum CPU usage

The ingress feature must be enabled in the endpoint configuration view to be able to register ingresses inside this resource pool.

Enable and configure ingresses available to users when deploying applications.

{{ ic.IngressClass.Name }}

This host is already used.

You can specify a list of annotations that will be associated to the ingress.

add annotation