import { buildOption } from '@/portainer/components/BoxSelector'; import { AccessControlFormData } from '@/portainer/components/accessControlForm/porAccessControlFormModel'; class KubeCreateCustomTemplateViewController { /* @ngInject */ constructor($async, $state, Authentication, CustomTemplateService, FormValidator, ModalService, Notifications, ResourceControlService) { Object.assign(this, { $async, $state, Authentication, CustomTemplateService, FormValidator, ModalService, Notifications, ResourceControlService }); this.methodOptions = [ buildOption('method_editor', 'fa fa-edit', 'Web editor', 'Use our Web editor', 'editor'), buildOption('method_upload', 'fa fa-upload', 'Upload', 'Upload from your computer', 'upload'), ]; this.templates = null; this.state = { method: 'editor', actionInProgress: false, formValidationError: '', isEditorDirty: false, }; this.formValues = { FileContent: '', File: null, Title: '', Description: '', Note: '', Logo: '', AccessControlData: new AccessControlFormData(), }; this.onChangeFile = this.onChangeFile.bind(this); this.onChangeFileContent = this.onChangeFileContent.bind(this); this.onChangeMethod = this.onChangeMethod.bind(this); this.onBeforeOnload = this.onBeforeOnload.bind(this); } onChangeMethod(method) { this.state.method = method; } onChangeFileContent(content) { this.formValues.FileContent = content; this.state.isEditorDirty = true; } onChangeFile(file) { return this.$async(async () => { this.formValues.File = file; }); } async createCustomTemplate() { return this.$async(async () => { const { method } = this.state; if (!this.validateForm(method)) { return; } this.state.actionInProgress = true; try { const customTemplate = await this.createCustomTemplateByMethod(method, this.formValues); const accessControlData = this.formValues.AccessControlData; const userDetails = this.Authentication.getUserDetails(); const userId = userDetails.ID; await this.ResourceControlService.applyResourceControl(userId, accessControlData, customTemplate.ResourceControl); this.Notifications.success('Custom template successfully created'); this.state.isEditorDirty = false; this.$state.go('kubernetes.templates.custom'); } catch (err) { this.Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Failed creating custom template'); } finally { this.state.actionInProgress = false; } }); } createCustomTemplateByMethod(method, template) { template.Type = 3; switch (method) { case 'editor': return this.createCustomTemplateFromFileContent(template); case 'upload': return this.createCustomTemplateFromFileUpload(template); } } createCustomTemplateFromFileContent(template) { return this.CustomTemplateService.createCustomTemplateFromFileContent(template); } createCustomTemplateFromFileUpload(template) { return this.CustomTemplateService.createCustomTemplateFromFileUpload(template); } validateForm(method) { this.state.formValidationError = ''; if (method === 'editor' && this.formValues.FileContent === '') { this.state.formValidationError = 'Template file content must not be empty'; return false; } const title = this.formValues.Title; const isNotUnique = this.templates.some((template) => template.Title === title); if (isNotUnique) { this.state.formValidationError = 'A template with the same name already exists'; return false; } const isAdmin = this.Authentication.isAdmin(); const accessControlData = this.formValues.AccessControlData; const error = this.FormValidator.validateAccessControl(accessControlData, isAdmin); if (error) { this.state.formValidationError = error; return false; } return true; } async $onInit() { return this.$async(async () => { const { fileContent, type } = this.$state.params; this.formValues.FileContent = fileContent; if (type) { this.formValues.Type = +type; } try { this.templates = await this.CustomTemplateService.customTemplates(3); } catch (err) { this.Notifications.error('Failure loading', err, 'Failed loading custom templates'); } this.state.loading = false; window.addEventListener('beforeunload', this.onBeforeOnload); }); } $onDestroy() { window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', this.onBeforeOnload); } isEditorDirty() { return this.state.method === 'editor' && this.formValues.FileContent && this.state.isEditorDirty; } onBeforeOnload(event) { if (this.isEditorDirty()) { event.preventDefault(); event.returnValue = ''; } } uiCanExit() { if (this.isEditorDirty()) { return this.ModalService.confirmWebEditorDiscard(); } } } export default KubeCreateCustomTemplateViewController;