angular.module('stats', []) .controller('StatsController', ['Settings', '$scope', 'Messages', '$timeout', 'Container', 'ContainerTop', '$stateParams', 'humansizeFilter', '$sce', '$document', function (Settings, $scope, Messages, $timeout, Container, ContainerTop, $stateParams, humansizeFilter, $sce, $document) { // TODO: Force scale to 0-100 for cpu, fix charts on dashboard, // TODO: Force memory scale to 0 - max memory $scope.ps_args = ''; $scope.state = {}; $scope.sortType = 'CMD'; $scope.sortReverse = false; $scope.pagination_count = Settings.pagination_count; $scope.order = function (sortType) { $scope.sortReverse = ($scope.sortType === sortType) ? !$scope.sortReverse : false; $scope.sortType = sortType; }; $scope.getTop = function () { ContainerTop.get($, { ps_args: $scope.ps_args }, function (data) { $scope.containerTop = data; }); }; $document.ready(function(){ var cpuLabels = []; var cpuData = []; var memoryLabels = []; var memoryData = []; var networkLabels = []; var networkTxData = []; var networkRxData = []; for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) { cpuLabels.push(''); cpuData.push(0); memoryLabels.push(''); memoryData.push(0); networkLabels.push(''); networkTxData.push(0); networkRxData.push(0); } var cpuDataset = { // CPU Usage fillColor: "rgba(151,187,205,0.5)", strokeColor: "rgba(151,187,205,1)", pointColor: "rgba(151,187,205,1)", pointStrokeColor: "#fff", data: cpuData }; var memoryDataset = { fillColor: "rgba(151,187,205,0.5)", strokeColor: "rgba(151,187,205,1)", pointColor: "rgba(151,187,205,1)", pointStrokeColor: "#fff", data: memoryData }; var networkRxDataset = { label: "Rx Bytes", fillColor: "rgba(151,187,205,0.5)", strokeColor: "rgba(151,187,205,1)", pointColor: "rgba(151,187,205,1)", pointStrokeColor: "#fff", data: networkRxData }; var networkTxDataset = { label: "Tx Bytes", fillColor: "rgba(255,180,174,0.5)", strokeColor: "rgba(255,180,174,1)", pointColor: "rgba(255,180,174,1)", pointStrokeColor: "#fff", data: networkTxData }; var networkLegendData = [ { //value: '', color: 'rgba(151,187,205,0.5)', title: 'Rx Data' }, { //value: '', color: 'rgba(255,180,174,0.5)', title: 'Tx Data' } ]; legend($('#network-legend').get(0), networkLegendData); = 30; // Lower from 60 to ease CPU load. var cpuChart = new Chart($('#cpu-stats-chart').get(0).getContext("2d")).Line({ labels: cpuLabels, datasets: [cpuDataset] }, { responsive: true }); var memoryChart = new Chart($('#memory-stats-chart').get(0).getContext('2d')).Line({ labels: memoryLabels, datasets: [memoryDataset] }, { scaleLabel: function (valueObj) { return humansizeFilter(parseInt(valueObj.value, 10), 2); }, responsive: true //scaleOverride: true, //scaleSteps: 10, //scaleStepWidth: Math.ceil(initialStats.memory_stats.limit / 10), //scaleStartValue: 0 }); var networkChart = new Chart($('#network-stats-chart').get(0).getContext("2d")).Line({ labels: networkLabels, datasets: [networkRxDataset, networkTxDataset] }, { scaleLabel: function (valueObj) { return humansizeFilter(parseInt(valueObj.value, 10), 2); }, responsive: true }); $scope.networkLegend = $sce.trustAsHtml(networkChart.generateLegend()); function setUpdateStatsTimeout() { if(!destroyed) { timeout = $timeout(updateStats, 5000); } } function updateStats() { Container.stats({id: $}, function (d) { var arr = Object.keys(d).map(function (key) { return d[key]; }); if (arr.join('').indexOf('no such id') !== -1) { Messages.error('Unable to retrieve stats', {}, 'Is this container running?'); return; } // Update graph with latest data $ = d; updateCpuChart(d); updateMemoryChart(d); updateNetworkChart(d); setUpdateStatsTimeout(); }, function () { Messages.error('Unable to retrieve stats', {}, 'Is this container running?'); setUpdateStatsTimeout(); }); } var destroyed = false; var timeout; $scope.$on('$destroy', function () { destroyed = true; $timeout.cancel(timeout); }); updateStats(); function updateCpuChart(data) { cpuChart.addData([calculateCPUPercent(data)], new Date(; cpuChart.removeData(); } function updateMemoryChart(data) { memoryChart.addData([data.memory_stats.usage], new Date(; memoryChart.removeData(); } var lastRxBytes = 0, lastTxBytes = 0; function updateNetworkChart(data) { // 1.9+ contains an object of networks, for now we'll just show stats for the first network // TODO: Show graphs for all networks if (data.networks) { $scope.networkName = Object.keys(data.networks)[0]; = data.networks[$scope.networkName]; } if( { var rxBytes = 0, txBytes = 0; if (lastRxBytes !== 0 || lastTxBytes !== 0) { // These will be zero on first call, ignore to prevent large graph spike rxBytes = - lastRxBytes; txBytes = - lastTxBytes; } lastRxBytes =; lastTxBytes =; networkChart.addData([rxBytes, txBytes], new Date(; networkChart.removeData(); } } function calculateCPUPercent(stats) { // Same algorithm the official client uses: var prevCpu = stats.precpu_stats; var curCpu = stats.cpu_stats; var cpuPercent = 0.0; // calculate the change for the cpu usage of the container in between readings var cpuDelta = curCpu.cpu_usage.total_usage - prevCpu.cpu_usage.total_usage; // calculate the change for the entire system between readings var systemDelta = curCpu.system_cpu_usage - prevCpu.system_cpu_usage; if (systemDelta > 0.0 && cpuDelta > 0.0) { cpuPercent = (cpuDelta / systemDelta) * curCpu.cpu_usage.percpu_usage.length * 100.0; } return cpuPercent; } }); Container.get({id: $}, function (d) { $scope.container = d; }, function (e) { Messages.error("Failure", e, "Unable to retrieve container info"); }); $scope.getTop(); }]);