package git import ( "context" "fmt" "" "" "io" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "net/url" "os" "strings" ) const ( azureDevOpsHost = "" visualStudioHostSuffix = "" ) func isAzureUrl(s string) bool { return strings.Contains(s, azureDevOpsHost) || strings.Contains(s, visualStudioHostSuffix) } type azureOptions struct { organisation, project, repository string // a user may pass credentials in a repository URL, // for example https://:@/ username, password string } type azureDownloader struct { client *http.Client baseUrl string } func NewAzureDownloader(client *http.Client) *azureDownloader { return &azureDownloader{ client: client, baseUrl: "", } } func (a *azureDownloader) download(ctx context.Context, destination string, options cloneOptions) error { zipFilepath, err := a.downloadZipFromAzureDevOps(ctx, options) if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to download a zip file from Azure DevOps") } defer os.Remove(zipFilepath) err = archive.UnzipFile(zipFilepath, destination) if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to unzip file") } return nil } func (a *azureDownloader) downloadZipFromAzureDevOps(ctx context.Context, options cloneOptions) (string, error) { config, err := parseUrl(options.repositoryUrl) if err != nil { return "", errors.WithMessage(err, "failed to parse url") } downloadUrl, err := a.buildDownloadUrl(config, options.referenceName) if err != nil { return "", errors.WithMessage(err, "failed to build download url") } zipFile, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "azure-git-repo-*.zip") if err != nil { return "", errors.WithMessage(err, "failed to create temp file") } defer zipFile.Close() req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, "GET", downloadUrl, nil) if options.username != "" || options.password != "" { req.SetBasicAuth(options.username, options.password) } else if config.username != "" || config.password != "" { req.SetBasicAuth(config.username, config.password) } if err != nil { return "", errors.WithMessage(err, "failed to create a new HTTP request") } res, err := a.client.Do(req) if err != nil { return "", errors.WithMessage(err, "failed to make an HTTP request") } defer res.Body.Close() if res.StatusCode != http.StatusOK { return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to download zip with a status \"%v\"", res.Status) } _, err = io.Copy(zipFile, res.Body) if err != nil { return "", errors.WithMessage(err, "failed to save HTTP response to a file") } return zipFile.Name(), nil } func parseUrl(rawUrl string) (*azureOptions, error) { if strings.HasPrefix(rawUrl, "https://") || strings.HasPrefix(rawUrl, "http://") { return parseHttpUrl(rawUrl) } if strings.HasPrefix(rawUrl, "git@ssh") { return parseSshUrl(rawUrl) } if strings.HasPrefix(rawUrl, "ssh://") { r := []rune(rawUrl) return parseSshUrl(string(r[6:])) // remove the prefix } return nil, errors.Errorf("supported url schemes are https and ssh; recevied URL %s rawUrl", rawUrl) } var expectedSshUrl = "" func parseSshUrl(rawUrl string) (*azureOptions, error) { path := strings.Split(rawUrl, "/") unexpectedUrlErr := errors.Errorf("want url %s, got %s", expectedSshUrl, rawUrl) if len(path) != 4 { return nil, unexpectedUrlErr } return &azureOptions{ organisation: path[1], project: path[2], repository: path[3], }, nil } const expectedAzureDevOpsHttpUrl = "" const expectedVisualStudioHttpUrl = "" func parseHttpUrl(rawUrl string) (*azureOptions, error) { u, err := url.Parse(rawUrl) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to parse HTTP url") } opt := azureOptions{} switch { case u.Host == azureDevOpsHost: path := strings.Split(u.Path, "/") if len(path) != 5 { return nil, errors.Errorf("want url %s, got %s", expectedAzureDevOpsHttpUrl, u) } opt.organisation = path[1] opt.project = path[2] opt.repository = path[4] case strings.HasSuffix(u.Host, visualStudioHostSuffix): path := strings.Split(u.Path, "/") if len(path) != 4 { return nil, errors.Errorf("want url %s, got %s", expectedVisualStudioHttpUrl, u) } opt.organisation = strings.TrimSuffix(u.Host, visualStudioHostSuffix) opt.project = path[1] opt.repository = path[3] default: return nil, errors.Errorf("unknown azure host in url \"%s\"", rawUrl) } opt.username = u.User.Username() opt.password, _ = u.User.Password() return &opt, nil } func (a *azureDownloader) buildDownloadUrl(config *azureOptions, referenceName string) (string, error) { rawUrl := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s/_apis/git/repositories/%s/items", a.baseUrl, url.PathEscape(config.organisation), url.PathEscape(config.project), url.PathEscape(config.repository)) u, err := url.Parse(rawUrl) if err != nil { return "", errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to parse download url path %s", rawUrl) } q := u.Query() // scopePath=/&download=true&versionDescriptor.version=main&$format=zip&recursionLevel=full&api-version=6.0 q.Set("scopePath", "/") q.Set("download", "true") q.Set("versionDescriptor.versionType", getVersionType(referenceName)) q.Set("versionDescriptor.version", formatReferenceName(referenceName)) q.Set("$format", "zip") q.Set("recursionLevel", "full") q.Set("api-version", "6.0") u.RawQuery = q.Encode() return u.String(), nil } const ( branchPrefix = "refs/heads/" tagPrefix = "refs/tags/" ) func formatReferenceName(name string) string { if strings.HasPrefix(name, branchPrefix) { return strings.TrimPrefix(name, branchPrefix) } if strings.HasPrefix(name, tagPrefix) { return strings.TrimPrefix(name, tagPrefix) } return name } func getVersionType(name string) string { if strings.HasPrefix(name, branchPrefix) { return "branch" } if strings.HasPrefix(name, tagPrefix) { return "tag" } return "commit" }