var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) { function __() { this.constructor = d; } __.prototype = b.prototype; d.prototype = new __(); }; var MastheadController = (function () { function MastheadController($scope) { $scope.template = 'partials/masthead.html'; $scope.hclass = 'active'; $scope.cclass = ''; $scope.iclass = ''; $scope.sclass = ''; $scope.linkChange = function (link) { $scope.hclass = ''; $scope.cclass = ''; $scope.iclass = ''; $scope.sclass = ''; switch(link) { case 'home': $scope.hclass = 'active'; break; case 'containers': $scope.cclass = 'active'; break; case 'images': $scope.iclass = 'active'; break; case 'settings': $scope.sclass = 'active'; break; default: console.log('Not supported:' + link); } }; } return MastheadController; })(); var SideBarController = (function () { function SideBarController($scope, Container) { $scope.template = 'partials/sidebar.html'; Container.query({ }, function (d) { $scope.containers = d; }); } return SideBarController; })(); var HomeController = (function () { function HomeController() { } return HomeController; })(); var SettingsController = (function () { function SettingsController() { } return SettingsController; })(); var ContainerControllerBase = (function () { function ContainerControllerBase() { } ContainerControllerBase.prototype.start = function ($scope, $routeParams, Container) { Container.start({ id: $ }, function (d) { $scope.response = d; }); }; ContainerControllerBase.prototype.stop = function ($scope, $routeParams, Container) { Container.stop({ id: $ }, function (d) { $scope.response = d; }); }; ContainerControllerBase.prototype.remove = function ($scope, $routeParams, Container) { if(confirm("Are you sure you want to remove the container?")) { Container.remove({ id: $ }, function (d) { $scope.response = d; }); } }; return ContainerControllerBase; })(); var ContainerController = (function (_super) { __extends(ContainerController, _super); function ContainerController($scope, $routeParams, Container) { var _this = this;; $scope.start = function () { return _this.start($scope, $routeParams, Container); }; $scope.stop = function () { return _this.stop($scope, $routeParams, Container); }; $scope.remove = function () { return _this.remove($scope, $routeParams, Container); }; Container.get({ id: $ }, function (d) { $scope.container = d; }); } return ContainerController; })(ContainerControllerBase); var ContainersController = (function (_super) { __extends(ContainersController, _super); function ContainersController($scope, $routeParams, Container) { var _this = this;; $scope.start = function () { return _this.start($scope, $routeParams, Container); }; $scope.stop = function () { return _this.stop($scope, $routeParams, Container); }; Container.query({ }, function (d) { $scope.containers = d; }); } return ContainersController; })(ContainerControllerBase);