angular.module('portainer.docker') .controller('ServicesDatatableActionsController', ['$q', '$state', 'ServiceService', 'ServiceHelper', 'Notifications', 'ModalService', 'ImageHelper','WebhookService','EndpointProvider', function ($q, $state, ServiceService, ServiceHelper, Notifications, ModalService, ImageHelper, WebhookService, EndpointProvider) { this.scaleAction = function scaleService(service) { var config = ServiceHelper.serviceToConfig(service.Model); config.Mode.Replicated.Replicas = service.Replicas; ServiceService.update(service, config) .then(function success() { Notifications.success('Service successfully scaled', 'New replica count: ' + service.Replicas); $state.reload(); }) .catch(function error(err) { Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Unable to scale service'); service.Scale = false; service.Replicas = service.ReplicaCount; }); }; this.removeAction = function(selectedItems) { ModalService.confirmDeletion( 'Do you want to remove the selected service(s)? All the containers associated to the selected service(s) will be removed too.', function onConfirm(confirmed) { if(!confirmed) { return; } removeServices(selectedItems); } ); }; this.updateAction = function(selectedItems) { ModalService.confirmServiceForceUpdate( 'Do you want to force an update of the selected service(s)? All the tasks associated to the selected service(s) will be recreated.', function (result) { if(!result) { return; } var pullImage = false; if (result[0]) { pullImage = true; } forceUpdateServices(selectedItems, pullImage); } ); }; function forceUpdateServices(services, pullImage) { var actionCount = services.length; angular.forEach(services, function (service) { var config = ServiceHelper.serviceToConfig(service.Model); if (pullImage) { config.TaskTemplate.ContainerSpec.Image = ImageHelper.removeDigestFromRepository(config.TaskTemplate.ContainerSpec.Image); } // As explained in ForceUpdate can accept a random // value or an increment of the counter value to force an update. config.TaskTemplate.ForceUpdate++; ServiceService.update(service, config) .then(function success() { Notifications.success('Service successfully updated', service.Name); }) .catch(function error(err) { Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Unable to force update service', service.Name); }) .finally(function final() { --actionCount; if (actionCount === 0) { $state.reload(); } }); }); } function removeServices(services) { var actionCount = services.length; angular.forEach(services, function (service) { ServiceService.remove(service) .then(function success() { return WebhookService.webhooks(service.Id, EndpointProvider.endpointID()); }) .then(function success(data) { return $q.when(data.length !== 0 && WebhookService.deleteWebhook(data[0].Id)); }) .then(function success() { Notifications.success('Service successfully removed', service.Name); }) .catch(function error(err) { Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Unable to remove service'); }) .finally(function final() { --actionCount; if (actionCount === 0) { $state.reload(); } }); }); } }]);