package webhooks import ( "context" "errors" "net/http" "strings" portainer "" "" httperror "" "" "" dockertypes "" "" ) // @summary Execute a webhook // @description Acts on a passed in token UUID to restart the docker service // @description **Access policy**: public // @tags webhooks // @param id path string true "Webhook token" // @success 202 "Webhook executed" // @failure 400 // @failure 500 // @router /webhooks/{id} [post] func (handler *Handler) webhookExecute(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) *httperror.HandlerError { webhookToken, err := request.RetrieveRouteVariableValue(r, "token") if err != nil { return httperror.InternalServerError("Invalid service id parameter", err) } webhook, err := handler.DataStore.Webhook().WebhookByToken(webhookToken) if handler.DataStore.IsErrObjectNotFound(err) { return httperror.NotFound("Unable to find a webhook with this token", err) } else if err != nil { return httperror.InternalServerError("Unable to retrieve webhook from the database", err) } resourceID := webhook.ResourceID endpointID := webhook.EndpointID registryID := webhook.RegistryID webhookType := webhook.WebhookType endpoint, err := handler.DataStore.Endpoint().Endpoint(endpointID) if handler.DataStore.IsErrObjectNotFound(err) { return httperror.NotFound("Unable to find an environment with the specified identifier inside the database", err) } else if err != nil { return httperror.InternalServerError("Unable to find an environment with the specified identifier inside the database", err) } imageTag, _ := request.RetrieveQueryParameter(r, "tag", true) switch webhookType { case portainer.ServiceWebhook: return handler.executeServiceWebhook(w, endpoint, resourceID, registryID, imageTag) default: return httperror.InternalServerError("Unsupported webhook type", errors.New("Webhooks for this resource are not currently supported")) } } func (handler *Handler) executeServiceWebhook( w http.ResponseWriter, endpoint *portainer.Endpoint, resourceID string, registryID portainer.RegistryID, imageTag string, ) *httperror.HandlerError { dockerClient, err := handler.DockerClientFactory.CreateClient(endpoint, "", nil) if err != nil { return httperror.InternalServerError("Error creating docker client", err) } defer dockerClient.Close() service, _, err := dockerClient.ServiceInspectWithRaw(context.Background(), resourceID, dockertypes.ServiceInspectOptions{InsertDefaults: true}) if err != nil { return httperror.InternalServerError("Error looking up service", err) } service.Spec.TaskTemplate.ForceUpdate++ imageName := strings.Split(service.Spec.TaskTemplate.ContainerSpec.Image, "@sha")[0] service.Spec.TaskTemplate.ContainerSpec.Image = imageName if imageTag != "" { tagIndex := strings.LastIndex(imageName, ":") if tagIndex == -1 { tagIndex = len(imageName) } service.Spec.TaskTemplate.ContainerSpec.Image = imageName[:tagIndex] + ":" + imageTag } serviceUpdateOptions := dockertypes.ServiceUpdateOptions{ QueryRegistry: true, } if registryID != 0 { registry, err := handler.DataStore.Registry().Read(registryID) if err != nil { return httperror.InternalServerError("Error getting registry", err) } if registry.Authentication { registryutils.EnsureRegTokenValid(handler.DataStore, registry) serviceUpdateOptions.EncodedRegistryAuth, err = registryutils.GetRegistryAuthHeader(registry) if err != nil { return httperror.InternalServerError("Error getting registry auth header", err) } } } if imageTag != "" { rc, err := dockerClient.ImagePull(context.Background(), service.Spec.TaskTemplate.ContainerSpec.Image, image.PullOptions{RegistryAuth: serviceUpdateOptions.EncodedRegistryAuth}) if err != nil { return httperror.NotFound("Error pulling image with the specified tag", err) } defer rc.Close() } if _, err := dockerClient.ServiceUpdate(context.Background(), resourceID, service.Version, service.Spec, serviceUpdateOptions); err != nil { return httperror.InternalServerError("Error updating service", err) } return response.Empty(w) }