import clsx from 'clsx'; import { Lightbulb, X } from 'lucide-react'; import { ReactNode } from 'react'; import { useStore } from 'zustand'; import { Button } from '@@/buttons'; import { insightStore } from './insights-store'; export type Props = { header: string; content: ReactNode; setHtmlContent?: boolean; insightCloseId?: string; // set if you want to be able to close the box and not show it again }; export function InsightsBox({ header, content, insightCloseId }: Props) { // allow to close the box and not show it again in local storage with zustand const { addInsightIDClosed, isClosed } = useStore(insightStore); const isInsightClosed = isClosed(insightCloseId); if (isInsightClosed) { return null; } return (


{insightCloseId && (
); }