No Load balancer is available in this cluster, click
here to configure load balancer.
No Load balancer is available in this cluster, contract your administrator.
publish a new port
container port
This container port is already used.
Container port number is required.
Container port number must be inside the range 1-65535.
Container port number must be inside the range 1-65535.
service port
This service port is already used.
Service port number is required.
Container port number must be inside the range 1-65535.
Container port number must be inside the range 1-65535.
Node port number must be inside the range 30000-32767 or blank for system
Node port number must be inside the range 30000-32767 or blank for system
loadbalancer port
Ingress selection is required.
Host is required.
Route is required.
This field must consist of alphanumeric characters or the special characters: '-', '_'
or '/'. It must start and end with an alphanumeric character (e.g. 'my-route', or 'route-123').