// @@OLD_SERVICE_CONTROLLER: this service should be rewritten to use services. // See app/components/templates/templatesController.js as a reference. angular.module('createService', []) .controller('CreateServiceController', ['$q', '$scope', '$state', 'Service', 'ServiceHelper', 'SecretHelper', 'SecretService', 'VolumeService', 'NetworkService', 'ImageHelper', 'Authentication', 'ResourceControlService', 'Notifications', 'ControllerDataPipeline', 'FormValidator', 'RegistryService', 'HttpRequestHelper', function ($q, $scope, $state, Service, ServiceHelper, SecretHelper, SecretService, VolumeService, NetworkService, ImageHelper, Authentication, ResourceControlService, Notifications, ControllerDataPipeline, FormValidator, RegistryService, HttpRequestHelper) { $scope.formValues = { Name: '', Image: '', Registry: {}, Mode: 'replicated', Replicas: 1, Command: '', EntryPoint: '', WorkingDir: '', User: '', Env: [], Labels: [], ContainerLabels: [], Volumes: [], Network: '', ExtraNetworks: [], Ports: [], Parallelism: 1, PlacementConstraints: [], UpdateDelay: 0, FailureAction: 'pause', Secrets: [] }; $scope.state = { formValidationError: '' }; $scope.addPortBinding = function() { $scope.formValues.Ports.push({ PublishedPort: '', TargetPort: '', Protocol: 'tcp', PublishMode: 'ingress' }); }; $scope.removePortBinding = function(index) { $scope.formValues.Ports.splice(index, 1); }; $scope.addExtraNetwork = function() { $scope.formValues.ExtraNetworks.push({ Name: '' }); }; $scope.removeExtraNetwork = function(index) { $scope.formValues.ExtraNetworks.splice(index, 1); }; $scope.addVolume = function() { $scope.formValues.Volumes.push({ Source: '', Target: '', ReadOnly: false, Type: 'volume' }); }; $scope.removeVolume = function(index) { $scope.formValues.Volumes.splice(index, 1); }; $scope.addSecret = function() { $scope.formValues.Secrets.push({}); }; $scope.removeSecret = function(index) { $scope.formValues.Secrets.splice(index, 1); }; $scope.addEnvironmentVariable = function() { $scope.formValues.Env.push({ name: '', value: ''}); }; $scope.removeEnvironmentVariable = function(index) { $scope.formValues.Env.splice(index, 1); }; $scope.addPlacementConstraint = function() { $scope.formValues.PlacementConstraints.push({ key: '', operator: '==', value: '' }); }; $scope.removePlacementConstraint = function(index) { $scope.formValues.PlacementConstraints.splice(index, 1); }; $scope.addPlacementPreference = function() { $scope.formValues.PlacementPreferences.push({ key: '', operator: '==', value: '' }); }; $scope.removePlacementPreference = function(index) { $scope.formValues.PlacementPreferences.splice(index, 1); }; $scope.addLabel = function() { $scope.formValues.Labels.push({ name: '', value: ''}); }; $scope.removeLabel = function(index) { $scope.formValues.Labels.splice(index, 1); }; $scope.addContainerLabel = function() { $scope.formValues.ContainerLabels.push({ name: '', value: ''}); }; $scope.removeContainerLabel = function(index) { $scope.formValues.ContainerLabels.splice(index, 1); }; function prepareImageConfig(config, input) { var imageConfig = ImageHelper.createImageConfigForContainer(input.Image, input.Registry.URL); config.TaskTemplate.ContainerSpec.Image = imageConfig.fromImage + ':' + imageConfig.tag; } function preparePortsConfig(config, input) { var ports = []; input.Ports.forEach(function (binding) { var port = { Protocol: binding.Protocol, PublishMode: binding.PublishMode }; if (binding.TargetPort) { port.TargetPort = +binding.TargetPort; if (binding.PublishedPort) { port.PublishedPort = +binding.PublishedPort; } ports.push(port); } }); config.EndpointSpec.Ports = ports; } function prepareSchedulingConfig(config, input) { if (input.Mode === 'replicated') { config.Mode.Replicated = { Replicas: input.Replicas }; } else { config.Mode.Global = {}; } } function commandToArray(cmd) { var tokens = [].concat.apply([], cmd.split('\'').map(function(v,i) { return i%2 ? v : v.split(' '); })).filter(Boolean); return tokens; } function prepareCommandConfig(config, input) { if (input.EntryPoint) { config.TaskTemplate.ContainerSpec.Command = commandToArray(input.EntryPoint); } if (input.Command) { config.TaskTemplate.ContainerSpec.Args = commandToArray(input.Command); } if (input.User) { config.TaskTemplate.ContainerSpec.User = input.User; } if (input.WorkingDir) { config.TaskTemplate.ContainerSpec.Dir = input.WorkingDir; } } function prepareEnvConfig(config, input) { var env = []; input.Env.forEach(function (v) { if (v.name) { env.push(v.name + '=' + v.value); } }); config.TaskTemplate.ContainerSpec.Env = env; } function prepareLabelsConfig(config, input) { var labels = {}; input.Labels.forEach(function (label) { if (label.name && label.value) { labels[label.name] = label.value; } }); config.Labels = labels; var containerLabels = {}; input.ContainerLabels.forEach(function (label) { if (label.name && label.value) { containerLabels[label.name] = label.value; } }); config.TaskTemplate.ContainerSpec.Labels = containerLabels; } function prepareVolumes(config, input) { input.Volumes.forEach(function (volume) { if (volume.Source && volume.Target) { config.TaskTemplate.ContainerSpec.Mounts.push(volume); } }); } function prepareNetworks(config, input) { var networks = []; if (input.Network) { networks.push({ Target: input.Network }); } input.ExtraNetworks.forEach(function (network) { networks.push({ Target: network.Name }); }); config.Networks = _.uniqWith(networks, _.isEqual); } function prepareUpdateConfig(config, input) { config.UpdateConfig = { Parallelism: input.Parallelism || 0, Delay: input.UpdateDelay || 0, FailureAction: input.FailureAction }; } function preparePlacementConfig(config, input) { config.TaskTemplate.Placement.Constraints = ServiceHelper.translateKeyValueToPlacementConstraints(input.PlacementConstraints); } function prepareSecretConfig(config, input) { if (input.Secrets) { var secrets = []; angular.forEach(input.Secrets, function(secret) { if (secret.model) { var s = SecretHelper.secretConfig(secret.model); s.File.Name = s.SecretName; secrets.push(s); } }); config.TaskTemplate.ContainerSpec.Secrets = secrets; } } function prepareConfiguration() { var input = $scope.formValues; var config = { Name: input.Name, TaskTemplate: { ContainerSpec: { Mounts: [] }, Placement: {} }, Mode: {}, EndpointSpec: {} }; prepareSchedulingConfig(config, input); prepareImageConfig(config, input); preparePortsConfig(config, input); prepareCommandConfig(config, input); prepareEnvConfig(config, input); prepareLabelsConfig(config, input); prepareVolumes(config, input); prepareNetworks(config, input); prepareUpdateConfig(config, input); prepareSecretConfig(config, input); preparePlacementConfig(config, input); return config; } function createNewService(config, accessControlData) { var registry = $scope.formValues.Registry; var authenticationDetails = registry.Authentication ? RegistryService.encodedCredentials(registry) : ''; HttpRequestHelper.setRegistryAuthenticationHeader(authenticationDetails); Service.create(config).$promise .then(function success(data) { var serviceIdentifier = data.ID; var userId = Authentication.getUserDetails().ID; return ResourceControlService.applyResourceControl('service', serviceIdentifier, userId, accessControlData, []); }) .then(function success() { Notifications.success('Service successfully created'); $state.go('services', {}, {reload: true}); }) .catch(function error(err) { Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Unable to create service'); }) .finally(function final() { $('#createServiceSpinner').hide(); }); } function validateForm(accessControlData, isAdmin) { $scope.state.formValidationError = ''; var error = ''; error = FormValidator.validateAccessControl(accessControlData, isAdmin); if (error) { $scope.state.formValidationError = error; return false; } return true; } $scope.create = function createService() { $('#createServiceSpinner').show(); var accessControlData = ControllerDataPipeline.getAccessControlFormData(); var userDetails = Authentication.getUserDetails(); var isAdmin = userDetails.role === 1 ? true : false; if (!validateForm(accessControlData, isAdmin)) { $('#createServiceSpinner').hide(); return; } var config = prepareConfiguration(); createNewService(config, accessControlData); }; function initView() { $('#loadingViewSpinner').show(); $q.all({ volumes: VolumeService.volumes(), networks: NetworkService.retrieveSwarmNetworks(), secrets: SecretService.secrets() }) .then(function success(data) { $scope.availableVolumes = data.volumes; $scope.availableNetworks = data.networks; $scope.availableSecrets = data.secrets; }) .catch(function error(err) { Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Unable to initialize view'); }) .finally(function final() { $('#loadingViewSpinner').hide(); }); } initView(); }]);