angular.module('createNetwork', []) .controller('CreateNetworkController', ['$scope', '$state', 'Notifications', 'Network', function ($scope, $state, Notifications, Network) { $scope.formValues = { DriverOptions: [], Subnet: '', Gateway: '', Labels: [] }; $scope.config = { Driver: 'bridge', CheckDuplicate: true, Internal: false, // Force IPAM Driver to 'default', should not be required. // See: IPAM: { Driver: 'default', Config: [] }, Labels: {} }; $scope.addDriverOption = function() { $scope.formValues.DriverOptions.push({ name: '', value: '' }); }; $scope.removeDriverOption = function(index) { $scope.formValues.DriverOptions.splice(index, 1); }; $scope.addLabel = function() { $scope.formValues.Labels.push({ name: '', value: ''}); }; $scope.removeLabel = function(index) { $scope.formValues.Labels.splice(index, 1); }; function createNetwork(config) { $('#createNetworkSpinner').show(); Network.create(config, function (d) { if (d.message) { $('#createNetworkSpinner').hide(); Notifications.error('Unable to create network', {}, d.message); } else { Notifications.success('Network created', d.Id); $('#createNetworkSpinner').hide(); $state.go('networks', {}, {reload: true}); } }, function (e) { $('#createNetworkSpinner').hide(); Notifications.error('Failure', e, 'Unable to create network'); }); } function prepareIPAMConfiguration(config) { if ($scope.formValues.Subnet) { var ipamConfig = {}; ipamConfig.Subnet = $scope.formValues.Subnet; if ($scope.formValues.Gateway) { ipamConfig.Gateway = $scope.formValues.Gateway ; } config.IPAM.Config.push(ipamConfig); } } function prepareDriverOptions(config) { var options = {}; $scope.formValues.DriverOptions.forEach(function (option) { options[] = option.value; }); config.Options = options; } function prepareLabelsConfig(config) { var labels = {}; $scope.formValues.Labels.forEach(function (label) { if ( && label.value) { labels[] = label.value; } }); config.Labels = labels; } function prepareConfiguration() { var config = angular.copy($scope.config); prepareIPAMConfiguration(config); prepareDriverOptions(config); prepareLabelsConfig(config); return config; } $scope.create = function () { var config = prepareConfiguration(); createNetwork(config); }; }]);