package auth import ( "encoding/json" "io/ioutil" "log" "net/http" "" httperror "" "" "" ) type oauthPayload struct { Code string } func (payload *oauthPayload) Validate(r *http.Request) error { if govalidator.IsNull(payload.Code) { return portainer.Error("Invalid OAuth authorization code") } return nil } func (handler *Handler) authenticateThroughExtension(code, licenseKey string, settings *portainer.OAuthSettings) (string, error) { extensionURL := handler.ProxyManager.GetExtensionURL(portainer.OAuthAuthenticationExtension) encodedConfiguration, err := json.Marshal(settings) if err != nil { return "", nil } req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", extensionURL+"/validate", nil) if err != nil { return "", err } client := &http.Client{} req.Header.Set("X-OAuth-Config", string(encodedConfiguration)) req.Header.Set("X-OAuth-Code", code) req.Header.Set("X-PortainerExtension-License", licenseKey) resp, err := client.Do(req) if err != nil { return "", err } defer resp.Body.Close() body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) if err != nil { return "", err } type extensionResponse struct { Username string `json:"Username,omitempty"` Err string `json:"err,omitempty"` Details string `json:"details,omitempty"` } var extResp extensionResponse err = json.Unmarshal(body, &extResp) if err != nil { return "", err } if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK { return "", portainer.Error(extResp.Err + ":" + extResp.Details) } return extResp.Username, nil } func (handler *Handler) validateOAuth(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) *httperror.HandlerError { var payload oauthPayload err := request.DecodeAndValidateJSONPayload(r, &payload) if err != nil { return &httperror.HandlerError{http.StatusBadRequest, "Invalid request payload", err} } settings, err := handler.SettingsService.Settings() if err != nil { return &httperror.HandlerError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to retrieve settings from the database", err} } if settings.AuthenticationMethod != 3 { return &httperror.HandlerError{http.StatusForbidden, "OAuth authentication is not enabled", portainer.Error("OAuth authentication is not enabled")} } extension, err := handler.ExtensionService.Extension(portainer.OAuthAuthenticationExtension) if err == portainer.ErrObjectNotFound { return &httperror.HandlerError{http.StatusNotFound, "Oauth authentication extension is not enabled", err} } else if err != nil { return &httperror.HandlerError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to find a extension with the specified identifier inside the database", err} } username, err := handler.authenticateThroughExtension(payload.Code, extension.License.LicenseKey, &settings.OAuthSettings) if err != nil { log.Printf("[DEBUG] - OAuth authentication error: %s", err) return &httperror.HandlerError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to authenticate through OAuth", portainer.ErrUnauthorized} } user, err := handler.UserService.UserByUsername(username) if err != nil && err != portainer.ErrObjectNotFound { return &httperror.HandlerError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to retrieve a user with the specified username from the database", err} } if user == nil && !settings.OAuthSettings.OAuthAutoCreateUsers { return &httperror.HandlerError{http.StatusForbidden, "Account not created beforehand in Portainer and automatic user provisioning not enabled", portainer.ErrUnauthorized} } if user == nil { user = &portainer.User{ Username: username, Role: portainer.StandardUserRole, PortainerAuthorizations: map[portainer.Authorization]bool{ portainer.OperationPortainerDockerHubInspect: true, portainer.OperationPortainerEndpointGroupList: true, portainer.OperationPortainerEndpointList: true, portainer.OperationPortainerEndpointInspect: true, portainer.OperationPortainerEndpointExtensionAdd: true, portainer.OperationPortainerEndpointExtensionRemove: true, portainer.OperationPortainerExtensionList: true, portainer.OperationPortainerMOTD: true, portainer.OperationPortainerRegistryList: true, portainer.OperationPortainerRegistryInspect: true, portainer.OperationPortainerTeamList: true, portainer.OperationPortainerTemplateList: true, portainer.OperationPortainerTemplateInspect: true, portainer.OperationPortainerUserList: true, portainer.OperationPortainerUserMemberships: true, }, } err = handler.UserService.CreateUser(user) if err != nil { return &httperror.HandlerError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to persist user inside the database", err} } if settings.OAuthSettings.DefaultTeamID != 0 { membership := &portainer.TeamMembership{ UserID: user.ID, TeamID: settings.OAuthSettings.DefaultTeamID, Role: portainer.TeamMember, } err = handler.TeamMembershipService.CreateTeamMembership(membership) if err != nil { return &httperror.HandlerError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to persist team membership inside the database", err} } } } return handler.writeToken(w, user) }