import { useMutation, useQuery, useQueryClient } from 'react-query'; import { compact } from 'lodash'; import { withError } from '@/react-tools/react-query'; import axios, { parseAxiosError } from '@/portainer/services/axios'; import { EnvironmentId } from '@/react/portainer/environments/types'; import { isFulfilled } from '@/react/utils'; import { getNamespaces } from '../namespaces/service'; import { Service } from './types'; export const queryKeys = { list: (environmentId: EnvironmentId) => ['environments', environmentId, 'kubernetes', 'services'] as const, }; async function getServices( environmentId: EnvironmentId, namespace: string, lookupApps: boolean ) { try { const { data: services } = await axios.get>( `kubernetes/${environmentId}/namespaces/${namespace}/services`, { params: { lookupapplications: lookupApps, }, } ); return services; } catch (e) { throw parseAxiosError(e as Error, 'Unable to retrieve services'); } } export function useServices(environmentId: EnvironmentId) { return useQuery( queryKeys.list(environmentId), async () => { const namespaces = await getNamespaces(environmentId); const settledServicesPromise = await Promise.allSettled( Object.keys(namespaces).map((namespace) => getServices(environmentId, namespace, true) ) ); return compact( settledServicesPromise.filter(isFulfilled).flatMap((i) => i.value) ); }, withError('Unable to get services.') ); } export function useMutationDeleteServices(environmentId: EnvironmentId) { const queryClient = useQueryClient(); return useMutation(deleteServices, { onSuccess: () => // use the exact same query keys as the useServices hook to invalidate the services list queryClient.invalidateQueries(queryKeys.list(environmentId)), ...withError('Unable to delete service(s)'), }); } export async function deleteServices({ environmentId, data, }: { environmentId: EnvironmentId; data: Record; }) { try { return await `kubernetes/${environmentId}/services/delete`, data ); } catch (e) { throw parseAxiosError(e as Error, 'Unable to delete service(s)'); } }