angular.module('container', []) .controller('ContainerController', ['$scope', '$stateParams', '$state', '$filter', 'Container', 'ContainerCommit', 'Image', 'Messages', '$timeout', function ($scope, $stateParams, $state, $filter, Container, ContainerCommit, Image, Messages, $timeout) { $scope.changes = []; $scope.editEnv = false; $scope.editPorts = false; $scope.editBinds = false; $scope.newCfg = { Env: [], Ports: {} }; var update = function () { $('#loadingViewSpinner').show(); Container.get({id: $}, function (d) { $scope.container = d; $scope.container.edit = false; $scope.container.newContainerName = $filter('trimcontainername')(d.Name); // fill up env if (d.Config.Env) { $scope.newCfg.Env = (entry) { return {name: entry.split('=')[0], value: entry.split('=')[1]}; }); } // fill up ports $scope.newCfg.Ports = {}; angular.forEach(d.Config.ExposedPorts, function(i, port) { if (d.HostConfig.PortBindings && port in d.HostConfig.PortBindings) { $scope.newCfg.Ports[port] = d.HostConfig.PortBindings[port]; } else { $scope.newCfg.Ports[port] = []; } }); // fill up bindings $scope.newCfg.Binds = []; var defaultBinds = {}; angular.forEach(d.Config.Volumes, function(value, vol) { defaultBinds[vol] = { ContPath: vol, HostPath: '', ReadOnly: false, DefaultBind: true }; }); angular.forEach(d.HostConfig.Binds, function(binding, i) { var mountpoint = binding.split(':')[0]; var vol = binding.split(':')[1] || ''; var ro = binding.split(':').length > 2 && binding.split(':')[2] === 'ro'; var defaultBind = false; if (vol === '') { vol = mountpoint; mountpoint = ''; } if (vol in defaultBinds) { delete defaultBinds[vol]; defaultBind = true; } $scope.newCfg.Binds.push({ ContPath: vol, HostPath: mountpoint, ReadOnly: ro, DefaultBind: defaultBind }); }); angular.forEach(defaultBinds, function(bind) { $scope.newCfg.Binds.push(bind); }); $('#loadingViewSpinner').hide(); }, function (e) { if (e.status === 404) { $('.detail').hide(); Messages.error("Not found", "Container not found."); } else { Messages.error("Failure",; } $('#loadingViewSpinner').hide(); }); }; $scope.start = function () { $('#loadingViewSpinner').show(); Container.start({ id: $scope.container.Id, HostConfig: $scope.container.HostConfig }, function (d) { update(); Messages.send("Container started", $; }, function (e) { update(); Messages.error("Failure", "Container failed to start." +; }); }; $scope.stop = function () { $('#loadingViewSpinner').show(); Container.stop({id: $}, function (d) { update(); Messages.send("Container stopped", $; }, function (e) { update(); Messages.error("Failure", "Container failed to stop." +; }); }; $scope.kill = function () { $('#loadingViewSpinner').show(); Container.kill({id: $}, function (d) { update(); Messages.send("Container killed", $; }, function (e) { update(); Messages.error("Failure", "Container failed to die." +; }); }; $scope.commit = function () { $('#loadingViewSpinner').show(); ContainerCommit.commit({id: $, repo: $scope.container.Config.Image}, function (d) { update(); Messages.send("Container commited", $; }, function (e) { update(); Messages.error("Failure", "Container failed to commit." +; }); }; $scope.pause = function () { $('#loadingViewSpinner').show(); Container.pause({id: $}, function (d) { update(); Messages.send("Container paused", $; }, function (e) { update(); Messages.error("Failure", "Container failed to pause." +; }); }; $scope.unpause = function () { $('#loadingViewSpinner').show(); Container.unpause({id: $}, function (d) { update(); Messages.send("Container unpaused", $; }, function (e) { update(); Messages.error("Failure", "Container failed to unpause." +; }); }; $scope.remove = function () { $('#loadingViewSpinner').show(); Container.remove({id: $}, function (d) { update(); $state.go('containers', {}, {reload: true}); Messages.send("Container removed", $; }, function (e) { update(); Messages.error("Failure", "Container failed to remove." +; }); }; $scope.restart = function () { $('#loadingViewSpinner').show(); Container.restart({id: $}, function (d) { update(); Messages.send("Container restarted", $; }, function (e) { update(); Messages.error("Failure", "Container failed to restart." +; }); }; $scope.hasContent = function (data) { return data !== null && data !== undefined; }; $scope.getChanges = function () { $('#loadingViewSpinner').show(); Container.changes({id: $}, function (d) { $scope.changes = d; $('#loadingViewSpinner').hide(); }); }; $scope.renameContainer = function () { // #FIXME fix me later to handle http status to show the correct error message Container.rename({id: $, 'name': $scope.container.newContainerName}, function (data) { if ( { $scope.container.Name =; Messages.send("Container renamed", $; } else { $scope.container.newContainerName = $scope.container.Name; Messages.error("Failure", "Container failed to rename."); } }); $scope.container.edit = false; }; $scope.addEntry = function (array, entry) { array.push(entry); }; $scope.rmEntry = function (array, entry) { var idx = array.indexOf(entry); array.splice(idx, 1); }; $scope.toggleEdit = function() { $scope.edit = !$scope.edit; }; update(); $scope.getChanges(); }]);