import _ from 'lodash-es'; import angular from 'angular'; import PortainerError from 'Portainer/error'; import { KubernetesCommonParams } from 'Kubernetes/models/common/params'; import KubernetesResourceQuotaConverter from 'Kubernetes/converters/resourceQuota'; class KubernetesResourceQuotaService { /* @ngInject */ constructor($async, KubernetesResourceQuotas) { this.$async = $async; this.KubernetesResourceQuotas = KubernetesResourceQuotas; this.getAsync = this.getAsync.bind(this); this.getAllAsync = this.getAllAsync.bind(this); this.createAsync = this.createAsync.bind(this); this.updateAsync = this.updateAsync.bind(this); this.deleteAsync = this.deleteAsync.bind(this); } /** * GET */ async getAsync(namespace, name) { try { const params = new KubernetesCommonParams(); = name; const [raw, yaml] = await Promise.all([this.KubernetesResourceQuotas(namespace).get(params).$promise, this.KubernetesResourceQuotas(namespace).getYaml(params).$promise]); return KubernetesResourceQuotaConverter.apiToResourceQuota(raw, yaml); } catch (err) { throw new PortainerError('Unable to retrieve resource quota', err); } } async getAllAsync(namespace) { try { const data = await this.KubernetesResourceQuotas(namespace).get().$promise; return, (item) => KubernetesResourceQuotaConverter.apiToResourceQuota(item)); } catch (err) { throw new PortainerError('Unable to retrieve resource quotas', err); } } get(namespace, name) { if (name) { return this.$async(this.getAsync, namespace, name); } return this.$async(this.getAllAsync, namespace); } /** * CREATE */ async createAsync(quota) { try { const payload = KubernetesResourceQuotaConverter.createPayload(quota); const namespace = payload.metadata.namespace; const params = {}; const data = await this.KubernetesResourceQuotas(namespace).create(params, payload).$promise; return KubernetesResourceQuotaConverter.apiToResourceQuota(data); } catch (err) { throw new PortainerError('Unable to create quota', err); } } create(quota) { return this.$async(this.createAsync, quota); } /** * UPDATE */ async updateAsync(quota) { try { const payload = KubernetesResourceQuotaConverter.updatePayload(quota); const params = new KubernetesCommonParams(); =; const namespace = payload.metadata.namespace; const data = await this.KubernetesResourceQuotas(namespace).update(params, payload).$promise; return data; } catch (err) { throw new PortainerError('Unable to update resource quota', err); } } update(quota) { return this.$async(this.updateAsync, quota); } /** * DELETE */ async deleteAsync(quota) { try { const params = new KubernetesCommonParams(); = quota.Name; await this.KubernetesResourceQuotas(quota.Namespace).delete(params).$promise; } catch (err) { throw new PortainerError('Unable to delete quota', err); } } delete(quota) { return this.$async(this.deleteAsync, quota); } } export default KubernetesResourceQuotaService; angular.module('portainer.kubernetes').service('KubernetesResourceQuotaService', KubernetesResourceQuotaService);