angular.module('startContainer', ['ui.bootstrap']) .controller('StartContainerController', ['$scope', '$routeParams', '$location', 'Container', 'Messages', 'containernameFilter', function($scope, $routeParams, $location, Container, Messages, containernameFilter) { $scope.template = 'app/components/startContainer/startcontainer.html'; Container.query({all: 1}, function(d) { $scope.containerNames ={ return containernameFilter(container); }); }); $scope.config = { Env: [], Volumes: [], SecurityOpts: [], PortBindings: [], HostConfig: { Binds: [], Links: [], Dns: [], DnsSearch: [], VolumesFrom: [], CapAdd: [], CapDrop: [] } }; function failedRequestHandler(e, Messages) { Messages.send({class: 'text-error', data:}); } function rmEmptyKeys(col) { for (var key in col) { if (col[key] === null || col[key] === undefined || col[key] === '' || $.isEmptyObject(col[key]) || col[key].length === 0) { delete col[key]; } } } function getNames(arr) { return {return;}); } $scope.create = function() { // Copy the config before transforming fields to the remote API format var config = angular.copy($scope.config); config.Image = $; if (config.Cmd && config.Cmd[0] === "[") { config.Cmd = angular.fromJson(config.Cmd); } config.Env = {return + '=' + envar.value;}); config.Volumes = getNames(config.Volumes); config.SecurityOpts = getNames(config.SecurityOpts); config.HostConfig.VolumesFrom = getNames(config.HostConfig.VolumesFrom); config.HostConfig.Binds = getNames(config.HostConfig.Binds); config.HostConfig.Links = getNames(config.HostConfig.Links); config.HostConfig.Dns = getNames(config.HostConfig.Dns); config.HostConfig.DnsSearch = getNames(config.HostConfig.DnsSearch); config.HostConfig.CapAdd = getNames(config.HostConfig.CapAdd); config.HostConfig.CapDrop = getNames(config.HostConfig.CapDrop); var ExposedPorts = {}; var PortBindings = {}; // TODO: consider using compatibility library config.PortBindings.forEach(function(portBinding) { var intPort = portBinding.intPort + "/tcp"; var binding = { HostIp: portBinding.ip, HostPort: portBinding.extPort }; if (portBinding.intPort) { ExposedPorts[intPort] = {}; if (intPort in PortBindings) { PortBindings[intPort].push(binding); } else { PortBindings[intPort] = [binding]; } } else { // TODO: Send warning message? Internal port need to be specified. } }); config.ExposedPorts = ExposedPorts; delete config.PortBindings; config.HostConfig.PortBindings = PortBindings; // Remove empty fields from the request to avoid overriding defaults rmEmptyKeys(config.HostConfig); rmEmptyKeys(config); var ctor = Container; var loc = $location; var s = $scope; Container.create(config, function(d) { if (d.Id) { ctor.start({id: d.Id}, function(cd) { $('#create-modal').modal('hide'); loc.path('/containers/' + d.Id + '/'); }, function(e) { failedRequestHandler(e, Messages); }); } else { failedRequestHandler(d, Messages); } }, function(e) { failedRequestHandler(e, Messages); }); }; $scope.addPortBinding = function() { $scope.config.PortBindings.push({ip: '', extPort: '', intPort: ''}); }; $scope.removePortBinding = function(portBinding) { var idx = $scope.config.PortBindings.indexOf(portBinding); $scope.config.PortBindings.splice(idx, 1); }; // TODO: refactor out $scope.addEnv = function() { $scope.config.Env.push({name: '', value: ''}); }; $scope.removeEnv = function(envar) { var idx = $scope.config.env.indexOf(envar); $scope.config.Env.splice(idx, 1); }; // Todo: refactor out $scope.addVolumeFrom = function() { $scope.config.HostConfig.volumesFrom.push({name: ''}); }; $scope.removeVolumeFrom = function(volume) { var idx = $scope.config.HostConfig.volumesFrom.indexOf(volume); $scope.config.HostConfig.volumesFrom.splice(idx, 1); }; $scope.addEntry = function(array, entry) { array.push(entry); }; $scope.rmEntry = function(array, entry) { var idx = array.indexOf(entry); array.splice(idx, 1); }; }]);