import { useMemo } from 'react'; import { Shuffle } from 'lucide-react'; import { useRouter } from '@uirouter/react'; import clsx from 'clsx'; import { Row } from '@tanstack/react-table'; import { Namespaces, PortainerNamespace, } from '@/react/kubernetes/namespaces/types'; import { useEnvironmentId } from '@/react/hooks/useEnvironmentId'; import { Authorized, useAuthorizations } from '@/react/hooks/useUser'; import { notifyError, notifySuccess } from '@/portainer/services/notifications'; import { pluralize } from '@/portainer/helpers/strings'; import { DefaultDatatableSettings } from '@/react/kubernetes/datatables/DefaultDatatableSettings'; import { SystemResourceDescription } from '@/react/kubernetes/datatables/SystemResourceDescription'; import { useNamespacesQuery } from '@/react/kubernetes/namespaces/queries/useNamespacesQuery'; import { CreateFromManifestButton } from '@/react/kubernetes/components/CreateFromManifestButton'; import { Datatable, Table, TableSettingsMenu } from '@@/datatables'; import { useTableState } from '@@/datatables/useTableState'; import { DeleteButton } from '@@/buttons/DeleteButton'; import { useMutationDeleteServices, useClusterServices } from '../../service'; import { Service } from '../../types'; import { columns } from './columns'; import { createStore } from './datatable-store'; const storageKey = 'k8sServicesDatatable'; const settingsStore = createStore(storageKey); export function ServicesDatatable() { const tableState = useTableState(settingsStore, storageKey); const environmentId = useEnvironmentId(); const { data: namespacesArray, ...namespacesQuery } = useNamespacesQuery(environmentId); const { data: services, ...servicesQuery } = useClusterServices( environmentId, { autoRefreshRate: tableState.autoRefreshRate * 1000, withApplications: true, } ); const namespaces: Record = {}; if (Array.isArray(namespacesArray)) { for (let i = 0; i < namespacesArray.length; i++) { const namespace = namespacesArray[i]; namespaces[namespace.Name] = namespace; } } const { authorized: canWrite } = useAuthorizations(['K8sServiceW']); const readOnly = !canWrite; const { authorized: canAccessSystemResources } = useAuthorizations( 'K8sAccessSystemNamespaces' ); const filteredServices = services?.filter( (service) => (canAccessSystemResources && tableState.showSystemResources) || !namespaces?.[service.Namespace]?.IsSystem ); const servicesWithIsSystem = useServicesRowData( filteredServices || [], namespaces ); return ( row.UID} isRowSelectable={(row) => !namespaces?.[row.original.Namespace]?.IsSystem} disableSelect={readOnly} renderTableActions={(selectedRows) => ( )} renderTableSettings={() => ( )} description={ } renderRow={servicesRenderRow} data-cy="k8s-services-datatable" /> ); } // useServicesRowData appends the `isSystem` property to the service data function useServicesRowData( services: Service[], namespaces?: Namespaces ): Service[] { return useMemo( () => => ({ ...service, IsSystem: namespaces ? namespaces?.[service.Namespace]?.IsSystem : false, })), [services, namespaces] ); } // needed to apply custom styling to the row cells and not globally. // required in the AC's for this ticket. function servicesRenderRow(row: Row, highlightedItemId?: string) { return ( cells={row.getVisibleCells()} className={clsx('[&>td]:!py-4 [&>td]:!align-top', { active: highlightedItemId ===, })} /> ); } interface SelectedService { Namespace: string; Name: string; } type TableActionsProps = { selectedItems: Service[]; }; function TableActions({ selectedItems }: TableActionsProps) { const environmentId = useEnvironmentId(); const deleteServicesMutation = useMutationDeleteServices(environmentId); const router = useRouter(); return ( handleRemoveClick(selectedItems)} confirmMessage={ <>

{`Are you sure you want to remove the selected ${pluralize( selectedItems.length, 'service' )}?`}

    {, index) => (
  • {s.Namespace}/{s.Name}
  • ))}
} data-cy="k8s-remove-services-button" />
); async function handleRemoveClick(services: SelectedService[]) { const payload: Record = {}; services.forEach((service) => { payload[service.Namespace] = payload[service.Namespace] || []; payload[service.Namespace].push(service.Name); }); deleteServicesMutation.mutate( { environmentId, data: payload }, { onSuccess: () => { notifySuccess( 'Services successfully removed', => `${s.Namespace}/${s.Name}`).join(', ') ); router.stateService.reload(); }, onError: (error) => { notifyError( 'Unable to delete service(s)', error as Error, => `${s.Namespace}/${s.Name}`).join(', ') ); }, } ); } }