import { useQuery } from '@tanstack/react-query'; import { Pod } from 'kubernetes-types/core/v1'; import { withGlobalError } from '@/react-tools/react-query'; import { EnvironmentId } from '@/react/portainer/environments/types'; import { getNamespaceServices } from '../../services/service'; import type { Application } from '../types'; import { applicationIsKind } from '../utils'; import { queryKeys } from './query-keys'; // useApplicationServices returns a query for services that are related to the application (this doesn't include ingresses) // Filtering the services by the application selector labels is done in the front end because: // - The label selector query param in the kubernetes API filters by metadata.labels, but we need to filter the services by spec.selector // - The field selector query param in the kubernetes API can filter the services by spec.selector, but it doesn't support chaining with 'OR', // so we can't filter by services with at least one matching label. See: export function useApplicationServices( environmentId: EnvironmentId, namespace: string, appName: string, app?: Application ) { return useQuery( queryKeys.applicationServices(environmentId, namespace, appName), async () => { if (!app) { return []; } // get the selector labels for the application const appSelectorLabels = applicationIsKind('Pod', app) ? app.metadata?.labels : app.spec?.template?.metadata?.labels; // get all services in the namespace and filter them by the application selector labels const services = await getNamespaceServices(environmentId, namespace); const filteredServices = services.filter((service) => { if (service.spec?.selector && appSelectorLabels) { const serviceSelectorLabels = service.spec.selector; // include the service if the service selector label matches at least one application selector label return Object.keys(appSelectorLabels).some( (key) => serviceSelectorLabels[key] && serviceSelectorLabels[key] === appSelectorLabels[key] ); } return false; }); return filteredServices; }, { ...withGlobalError(`Unable to get services for ${appName}`), enabled: !!app, } ); }