angular.module('teams', []) .controller('TeamsController', ['$q', '$scope', '$state', 'TeamService', 'UserService', 'TeamMembershipService', 'ModalService', 'Notifications', 'Pagination', 'Authentication', function ($q, $scope, $state, TeamService, UserService, TeamMembershipService, ModalService, Notifications, Pagination, Authentication) { $scope.state = { userGroupGroupCreationError: '', selectedItemCount: 0, validName: false, pagination_count: Pagination.getPaginationCount('teams'), actionInProgress: false }; $scope.sortType = 'Name'; $scope.sortReverse = false; $scope.formValues = { Name: '', Leaders: [] }; $scope.order = function(sortType) { $scope.sortReverse = ($scope.sortType === sortType) ? !$scope.sortReverse : false; $scope.sortType = sortType; }; $scope.changePaginationCount = function() { Pagination.setPaginationCount('teams', $scope.state.pagination_count); }; $scope.selectItems = function (allSelected) { angular.forEach($scope.state.filteredTeams, function (team) { if (team.Checked !== allSelected) { team.Checked = allSelected; $scope.selectItem(team); } }); }; $scope.selectItem = function (item) { if (item.Checked) { $scope.state.selectedItemCount++; } else { $scope.state.selectedItemCount--; } }; $scope.checkNameValidity = function() { var valid = true; for (var i = 0; i < $scope.teams.length; i++) { if ($scope.formValues.Name === $scope.teams[i].Name) { valid = false; break; } } $scope.state.validName = valid; $scope.state.teamCreationError = valid ? '' : 'Team name already existing'; }; $scope.addTeam = function() { $scope.state.actionInProgress = true; $scope.state.teamCreationError = ''; var teamName = $scope.formValues.Name; var leaderIds = []; angular.forEach($scope.formValues.Leaders, function(user) { leaderIds.push(user.Id); }); TeamService.createTeam(teamName, leaderIds) .then(function success(data) { Notifications.success('Team successfully created', teamName); $state.reload(); }) .catch(function error(err) { Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Unable to create team'); }) .finally(function final() { $scope.state.actionInProgress = false; }); }; function deleteSelectedTeams() { angular.forEach($scope.teams, function (team) { if (team.Checked) { TeamService.deleteTeam(team.Id) .then(function success(data) { var index = $scope.teams.indexOf(team); $scope.teams.splice(index, 1); Notifications.success('Team successfully deleted', team.Name); }) .catch(function error(err) { Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Unable to remove team'); }); } }); } $scope.removeAction = function () { ModalService.confirmDeletion( 'Do you want to delete the selected team(s)? Users in the team(s) will not be deleted.', function onConfirm(confirmed) { if(!confirmed) { return; } deleteSelectedTeams(); } ); }; function initView() { var userDetails = Authentication.getUserDetails(); var isAdmin = userDetails.role === 1 ? true: false; $scope.isAdmin = isAdmin; $q.all({ users: UserService.users(false), teams: isAdmin ? TeamService.teams() : UserService.userLeadingTeams(userDetails.ID) }) .then(function success(data) { $scope.teams = data.teams; $scope.users = data.users; }) .catch(function error(err) { $scope.teams = []; $scope.users = []; Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Unable to retrieve teams'); }); } initView(); }]);