angular.module('endpoint', []) .controller('EndpointController', ['$scope', '$state', '$transition$', '$filter', 'EndpointService', 'Notifications', function ($scope, $state, $transition$, $filter, EndpointService, Notifications) { if (!$scope.applicationState.application.endpointManagement) { $state.go('endpoints'); } $scope.state = { uploadInProgress: false, actionInProgress: false }; $scope.formValues = { SecurityFormData: new EndpointSecurityFormData() }; $scope.updateEndpoint = function() { var endpoint = $scope.endpoint; var securityData = $scope.formValues.SecurityFormData; var TLS = securityData.TLS; var TLSMode = securityData.TLSMode; var TLSSkipVerify = TLS && (TLSMode === 'tls_client_noca' || TLSMode === 'tls_only'); var TLSSkipClientVerify = TLS && (TLSMode === 'tls_ca' || TLSMode === 'tls_only'); var endpointParams = { name: endpoint.Name, URL: endpoint.URL, PublicURL: endpoint.PublicURL, TLS: TLS, TLSSkipVerify: TLSSkipVerify, TLSSkipClientVerify: TLSSkipClientVerify, TLSCACert: TLSSkipVerify || securityData.TLSCACert === endpoint.TLSConfig.TLSCACert ? null : securityData.TLSCACert, TLSCert: TLSSkipClientVerify || securityData.TLSCert === endpoint.TLSConfig.TLSCert ? null : securityData.TLSCert, TLSKey: TLSSkipClientVerify || securityData.TLSKey === endpoint.TLSConfig.TLSKey ? null : securityData.TLSKey, type: $scope.endpointType }; $scope.state.actionInProgress = true; EndpointService.updateEndpoint(endpoint.Id, endpointParams) .then(function success(data) { Notifications.success('Endpoint updated', $scope.endpoint.Name); $state.go('endpoints'); }, function error(err) { Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Unable to update endpoint'); $scope.state.actionInProgress = false; }, function update(evt) { if (evt.upload) { $scope.state.uploadInProgress = evt.upload; } }); }; function initView() { EndpointService.endpoint($transition$.params().id) .then(function success(data) { var endpoint = data; if (endpoint.URL.indexOf('unix://') === 0) { $scope.endpointType = 'local'; } else { $scope.endpointType = 'remote'; } endpoint.URL = $filter('stripprotocol')(endpoint.URL); $scope.endpoint = endpoint; }) .catch(function error(err) { Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Unable to retrieve endpoint details'); }); } initView(); }]);