import { Rocket } from 'lucide-react'; import { render, fireEvent } from '@testing-library/react'; import { BoxSelector } from './BoxSelector'; import { BoxSelectorOption, Value } from './types'; function renderDefault({ options = [], onChange = () => {}, radioName = 'radio', value, }: { options?: BoxSelectorOption[]; onChange?: (value: T) => void; radioName?: string; value: T; }) { return render( ); } test('should render with the initial value selected and call onChange when clicking a different value', async () => { const options: BoxSelectorOption[] = [ { description: 'description 1', icon: Rocket, id: '1', value: 3, label: 'option 1', }, { description: 'description 2', icon: Rocket, id: '2', value: 4, label: 'option 2', }, ]; const onChange = vi.fn(); const { getByLabelText } = renderDefault({ options, onChange, value: options[0].value, }); const item1 = getByLabelText(options[0].label, { exact: false, }) as HTMLInputElement; expect(item1.checked).toBeTruthy(); const item2 = getByLabelText(options[1].label, { exact: false, }) as HTMLInputElement; expect(item2.checked).toBeFalsy();; expect(onChange).toHaveBeenCalledWith(options[1].value, false); });