angular.module('container', []) .controller('ContainerController', ['$scope', '$state','$stateParams', '$filter', 'Container', 'ContainerCommit', 'ContainerService', 'ImageHelper', 'Network', 'Notifications', 'Pagination', 'ModalService', function ($scope, $state, $stateParams, $filter, Container, ContainerCommit, ContainerService, ImageHelper, Network, Notifications, Pagination, ModalService) { $scope.activityTime = 0; $scope.portBindings = []; $scope.config = { Image: '', Registry: '' }; $scope.state = {}; $scope.state.pagination_count = Pagination.getPaginationCount('container_networks'); $scope.changePaginationCount = function() { Pagination.setPaginationCount('container_networks', $scope.state.pagination_count); }; var update = function () { $('#loadingViewSpinner').show(); Container.get({id: $}, function (d) { var container = new ContainerDetailsViewModel(d); $scope.container = container; $scope.container.edit = false; $scope.container.newContainerName = $filter('trimcontainername')(container.Name); if (container.State.Running) { $scope.activityTime = moment.duration(moment(container.State.StartedAt).utc().diff(moment().utc())).humanize(); } else if (container.State.Status === 'created') { $scope.activityTime = moment.duration(moment(container.Created).utc().diff(moment().utc())).humanize(); } else { $scope.activityTime = moment.duration(moment().utc().diff(moment(container.State.FinishedAt).utc())).humanize(); } $scope.portBindings = []; if (container.NetworkSettings.Ports) { angular.forEach(Object.keys(container.NetworkSettings.Ports), function(portMapping) { if (container.NetworkSettings.Ports[portMapping]) { var mapping = {}; mapping.container = portMapping; = container.NetworkSettings.Ports[portMapping][0].HostIp + ':' + container.NetworkSettings.Ports[portMapping][0].HostPort; $scope.portBindings.push(mapping); } }); } $('#loadingViewSpinner').hide(); }, function (e) { $('#loadingViewSpinner').hide(); Notifications.error('Failure', e, 'Unable to retrieve container info'); }); }; $scope.start = function () { $('#loadingViewSpinner').show(); Container.start({id: $scope.container.Id}, {}, function (d) { update(); Notifications.success('Container started', $; }, function (e) { update(); Notifications.error('Failure', e, 'Unable to start container'); }); }; $scope.stop = function () { $('#loadingViewSpinner').show(); Container.stop({id: $}, function (d) { update(); Notifications.success('Container stopped', $; }, function (e) { update(); Notifications.error('Failure', e, 'Unable to stop container'); }); }; $scope.kill = function () { $('#loadingViewSpinner').show(); Container.kill({id: $}, function (d) { update(); Notifications.success('Container killed', $; }, function (e) { update(); Notifications.error('Failure', e, 'Unable to kill container'); }); }; $scope.commit = function () { $('#createImageSpinner').show(); var image = $scope.config.Image; var registry = $scope.config.Registry; var imageConfig = ImageHelper.createImageConfigForCommit(image, registry.URL); ContainerCommit.commit({id: $, tag: imageConfig.tag, repo: imageConfig.repo}, function (d) { $('#createImageSpinner').hide(); update(); Notifications.success('Container commited', $; }, function (e) { $('#createImageSpinner').hide(); update(); Notifications.error('Failure', e, 'Unable to commit container'); }); }; $scope.pause = function () { $('#loadingViewSpinner').show(); Container.pause({id: $}, function (d) { update(); Notifications.success('Container paused', $; }, function (e) { update(); Notifications.error('Failure', e, 'Unable to pause container'); }); }; $scope.unpause = function () { $('#loadingViewSpinner').show(); Container.unpause({id: $}, function (d) { update(); Notifications.success('Container unpaused', $; }, function (e) { update(); Notifications.error('Failure', e, 'Unable to unpause container'); }); }; $scope.confirmRemove = function () { var title = 'You are about to remove a container.'; if ($scope.container.State.Running) { title = 'You are about to remove a running container.'; } ModalService.confirmContainerDeletion( title, function (result) { if(!result) { return; } var cleanAssociatedVolumes = false; if (result[0]) { cleanAssociatedVolumes = true; } $scope.remove(cleanAssociatedVolumes); } ); }; $scope.remove = function(cleanAssociatedVolumes) { $('#loadingViewSpinner').show(); ContainerService.remove($scope.container, cleanAssociatedVolumes) .then(function success() { Notifications.success('Container successfully removed'); $state.go('containers', {}, {reload: true}); }) .catch(function error(err) { Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Unable to remove container'); }) .finally(function final() { $('#loadingViewSpinner').hide(); }); }; $scope.restart = function () { $('#loadingViewSpinner').show(); Container.restart({id: $}, function (d) { update(); Notifications.success('Container restarted', $; }, function (e) { update(); Notifications.error('Failure', e, 'Unable to restart container'); }); }; $scope.renameContainer = function () { var container = $scope.container; Container.rename({id: $, 'name': container.newContainerName}, function (d) { if (d.message) { container.newContainerName = container.Name; Notifications.error('Unable to rename container', {}, d.message); } else { container.Name = container.newContainerName; Notifications.success('Container successfully renamed', container.Name); } }, function (e) { Notifications.error('Failure', e, 'Unable to rename container'); }); $scope.container.edit = false; }; $scope.containerLeaveNetwork = function containerLeaveNetwork(container, networkId) { $('#loadingViewSpinner').show(); Network.disconnect({id: networkId}, { Container: $, Force: false }, function (d) { if (container.message) { $('#loadingViewSpinner').hide(); Notifications.error('Error', d, 'Unable to disconnect container from network'); } else { $('#loadingViewSpinner').hide(); Notifications.success('Container left network', $; $state.go('container', {id: $}, {reload: true}); } }, function (e) { $('#loadingViewSpinner').hide(); Notifications.error('Failure', e, 'Unable to disconnect container from network'); }); }; $scope.containerJoinNetwork = function containerJoinNetwork(container, networkId) { $('#joinNetworkSpinner').show(); Network.connect({id: networkId}, { Container: $ }, function (d) { if (container.message) { $('#joinNetworkSpinner').hide(); Notifications.error('Error', d, 'Unable to connect container to network'); } else { $('#joinNetworkSpinner').hide(); Notifications.success('Container joined network', $; $state.go('container', {id: $}, {reload: true}); } }, function (e) { $('#joinNetworkSpinner').hide(); Notifications.error('Failure', e, 'Unable to connect container to network'); }); }; Network.query({}, function (d) { var networks = d; if ($scope.applicationState.endpoint.mode.provider === 'DOCKER_SWARM' || $scope.applicationState.endpoint.mode.provider === 'DOCKER_SWARM_MODE') { networks = d.filter(function (network) { if (network.Scope === 'global') { return network; } }); networks.push({Name: 'bridge'}); networks.push({Name: 'host'}); networks.push({Name: 'none'}); } $scope.availableNetworks = networks; if (!_.find(networks, {'Name': 'bridge'})) { networks.push({Name: 'nat'}); } }, function (e) { Notifications.error('Failure', e, 'Unable to retrieve networks'); }); update(); }]);