import { useMutation, useQueryClient } from 'react-query'; import axios, { parseAxiosError } from '@/portainer/services/axios'; import { withError, withInvalidate } from '@/react-tools/react-query'; import { AutoUpdateModel } from '@/react/portainer/gitops/types'; import { Pair } from '@/react/portainer/settings/types'; import { RegistryId } from '@/react/portainer/registries/types'; import { GitCredential } from '@/react/portainer/account/git-credentials/types'; import { DeploymentType, EdgeStack } from '../types'; import { EdgeGroup } from '../../edge-groups/types'; import { buildUrl } from './buildUrl'; import { queryKeys } from './query-keys'; export function useCreateEdgeStackFromGit() { const queryClient = useQueryClient(); return useMutation(createEdgeStackFromGit, { ...withError('Failed creating Edge stack'), ...withInvalidate(queryClient, [queryKeys.base()]), }); } /** * Represents the payload for creating an edge stack from a Git repository. */ interface GitPayload { /** Name of the stack. */ name: string; /** URL of a Git repository hosting the Stack file. */ repositoryURL: string; /** Reference name of a Git repository hosting the Stack file. */ repositoryReferenceName?: string; /** Use basic authentication to clone the Git repository. */ repositoryAuthentication?: boolean; /** Username used in basic authentication. Required when RepositoryAuthentication is true. */ repositoryUsername?: string; /** Password used in basic authentication. Required when RepositoryAuthentication is true. */ repositoryPassword?: string; /** GitCredentialID used to identify the bound git credential. */ repositoryGitCredentialID?: GitCredential['id']; /** Path to the Stack file inside the Git repository. */ filePathInRepository?: string; /** List of identifiers of EdgeGroups. */ edgeGroups: Array; /** Deployment type to deploy this stack. */ deploymentType: DeploymentType; /** List of Registries to use for this stack. */ registries?: RegistryId[]; /** Uses the manifest's namespaces instead of the default one. */ useManifestNamespaces?: boolean; /** Pre-pull image. */ prePullImage?: boolean; /** Retry deploy. */ retryDeploy?: boolean; /** TLSSkipVerify skips SSL verification when cloning the Git repository. */ tLSSkipVerify?: boolean; /** Optional GitOps update configuration. */ autoUpdate?: AutoUpdateModel; /** Whether the stack supports relative path volume. */ supportRelativePath?: boolean; /** Local filesystem path. */ filesystemPath?: string; /** Whether the edge stack supports per device configs. */ supportPerDeviceConfigs?: boolean; /** Per device configs match type. */ perDeviceConfigsMatchType?: 'file' | 'dir'; /** Per device configs group match type. */ perDeviceConfigsGroupMatchType?: 'file' | 'dir'; /** Per device configs path. */ perDeviceConfigsPath?: string; /** List of environment variables. */ envVars?: Pair[]; /** Configuration for stagger updates. */ staggerConfig?: EdgeStaggerConfig; } /** * Represents the staggered updates configuration. */ interface EdgeStaggerConfig { /** Stagger option for updates. */ staggerOption: EdgeStaggerOption; /** Stagger parallel option for updates. */ staggerParallelOption: EdgeStaggerParallelOption; /** Device number for updates. */ deviceNumber: number; /** Starting device number for updates. */ deviceNumberStartFrom: number; /** Increment value for device numbers during updates. */ deviceNumberIncrementBy: number; /** Timeout for updates (in minutes). */ timeout: string; /** Update delay (in minutes). */ updateDelay: string; /** Action to take in case of update failure. */ updateFailureAction: EdgeUpdateFailureAction; } /** EdgeStaggerOption represents an Edge stack stagger option */ enum EdgeStaggerOption { /** AllAtOnce represents a staggered deployment where all nodes are updated at once */ AllAtOnce = 1, /** OneByOne represents a staggered deployment where nodes are updated with parallel setting */ Parallel, } /** EdgeStaggerParallelOption represents an Edge stack stagger parallel option */ enum EdgeStaggerParallelOption { /** Fixed represents a staggered deployment where nodes are updated with a fixed number of nodes in parallel */ Fixed = 1, /** Incremental represents a staggered deployment where nodes are updated with an incremental number of nodes in parallel */ Incremental, } /** EdgeUpdateFailureAction represents an Edge stack update failure action */ enum EdgeUpdateFailureAction { /** Continue represents that stagger update will continue regardless of whether the endpoint update status */ Continue = 1, /** Pause represents that stagger update will pause when the endpoint update status is failed */ Pause, /** Rollback represents that stagger update will rollback as long as one endpoint update status is failed */ Rollback, } export async function createEdgeStackFromGit({ dryRun, ...payload }: GitPayload & { dryRun?: boolean }) { try { const { data } = await buildUrl(undefined, 'create/repository'), payload, { params: { dryrun: dryRun ? 'true' : 'false' }, } ); return data; } catch (e) { throw parseAxiosError(e as Error); } }