angular.module('endpoints', []) .controller('EndpointsController', ['$scope', '$state', '$filter', 'EndpointService', 'EndpointProvider', 'Notifications', 'Pagination', function ($scope, $state, $filter, EndpointService, EndpointProvider, Notifications, Pagination) { $scope.state = { uploadInProgress: false, selectedItemCount: 0, pagination_count: Pagination.getPaginationCount('endpoints'), actionInProgress: false }; $scope.sortType = 'Name'; $scope.sortReverse = true; $scope.formValues = { Name: '', URL: '', PublicURL: '', SecurityFormData: new EndpointSecurityFormData() }; $scope.order = function(sortType) { $scope.sortReverse = ($scope.sortType === sortType) ? !$scope.sortReverse : false; $scope.sortType = sortType; }; $scope.changePaginationCount = function() { Pagination.setPaginationCount('endpoints', $scope.state.pagination_count); }; $scope.selectItems = function (allSelected) { angular.forEach($scope.state.filteredEndpoints, function (endpoint) { if (endpoint.Checked !== allSelected) { endpoint.Checked = allSelected; $scope.selectItem(endpoint); } }); }; $scope.selectItem = function (item) { if (item.Checked) { $scope.state.selectedItemCount++; } else { $scope.state.selectedItemCount--; } }; $scope.addEndpoint = function() { var name = $scope.formValues.Name; var URL = $filter('stripprotocol')($scope.formValues.URL); var PublicURL = $scope.formValues.PublicURL; if (PublicURL === '') { PublicURL = URL.split(':')[0]; } var securityData = $scope.formValues.SecurityFormData; var TLS = securityData.TLS; var TLSMode = securityData.TLSMode; var TLSSkipVerify = TLS && (TLSMode === 'tls_client_noca' || TLSMode === 'tls_only'); var TLSSkipClientVerify = TLS && (TLSMode === 'tls_ca' || TLSMode === 'tls_only'); var TLSCAFile = TLSSkipVerify ? null : securityData.TLSCACert; var TLSCertFile = TLSSkipClientVerify ? null : securityData.TLSCert; var TLSKeyFile = TLSSkipClientVerify ? null : securityData.TLSKey; $scope.state.actionInProgress = true; EndpointService.createRemoteEndpoint(name, URL, PublicURL, TLS, TLSSkipVerify, TLSSkipClientVerify, TLSCAFile, TLSCertFile, TLSKeyFile).then(function success(data) { Notifications.success('Endpoint created', name); $state.reload(); }, function error(err) { $scope.state.uploadInProgress = false; $scope.state.actionInProgress = false; Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Unable to create endpoint'); }, function update(evt) { if (evt.upload) { $scope.state.uploadInProgress = evt.upload; } }); }; $scope.removeAction = function () { angular.forEach($scope.endpoints, function (endpoint) { if (endpoint.Checked) { EndpointService.deleteEndpoint(endpoint.Id).then(function success(data) { Notifications.success('Endpoint deleted', endpoint.Name); var index = $scope.endpoints.indexOf(endpoint); $scope.endpoints.splice(index, 1); }, function error(err) { Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Unable to remove endpoint'); }); } }); }; function fetchEndpoints() { EndpointService.endpoints() .then(function success(data) { $scope.endpoints = data; }) .catch(function error(err) { Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Unable to retrieve endpoints'); $scope.endpoints = []; }); } fetchEndpoints(); }]);