import angular from 'angular'; import { StateRegistry, StateService } from '@uirouter/angularjs'; import { isNomadEnvironment } from '@/react/portainer/environments/utils'; import { DashboardView } from '@/react/nomad/DashboardView'; import { r2a } from '@/react-tools/react2angular'; import { EventsView } from '@/react/nomad/jobs/EventsView'; import { withUIRouter } from '@/react-tools/withUIRouter'; import { withReactQuery } from '@/react-tools/withReactQuery'; import { withCurrentUser } from '@/react-tools/withCurrentUser'; import { JobsView } from '@/react/nomad/jobs/JobsView'; import { getLeader } from '@/react/nomad/nomad.service'; import { Environment } from '@/react/portainer/environments/types'; import { StateManager } from '@/portainer/services/types'; import { notifyError } from '@/portainer/services/notifications'; import { isBE } from '@/react/portainer/feature-flags/feature-flags.service'; import { reactModule } from './react'; import { logsModule } from './logs'; export const nomadModule = angular .module('portainer.nomad', [reactModule, logsModule]) .config(config) .component( 'nomadDashboardView', r2a(withUIRouter(withReactQuery(withCurrentUser(DashboardView))), []) ) .component( 'nomadEventsView', r2a(withUIRouter(withReactQuery(withCurrentUser(EventsView))), []) ) .component( 'nomadJobsView', r2a(withUIRouter(withReactQuery(withCurrentUser(JobsView))), []) ).name; /* @ngInject */ function config($stateRegistryProvider: StateRegistry) { // limits module to BE only if (!isBE) { return; } const nomad = { name: 'nomad', url: '/nomad', parent: 'endpoint', abstract: true, onEnter: /* @ngInject */ function onEnter( $async: (fn: () => Promise<void>) => Promise<void>, $state: StateService, endpoint: Environment, StateManager: StateManager ) { return $async(async () => { if (!isNomadEnvironment(endpoint.Type)) { $state.go('portainer.home'); return; } try { await getLeader(endpoint.Id); await StateManager.updateEndpointState(endpoint); } catch (e) { notifyError( 'Unable to contact Edge agent, please ensure that the agent is properly running on the remote environment.' ); $state.go('portainer.home', {}, { reload: true }); } }); }, }; const dashboard = { name: 'nomad.dashboard', url: '/dashboard', views: { 'content@': { component: 'nomadDashboardView', }, }, }; const jobs = { name: '', url: '/jobs', views: { 'content@': { component: 'nomadJobsView', }, }, }; const events = { name: '', url: '/jobs/:jobID/tasks/:taskName/allocations/:allocationID/events?namespace', views: { 'content@': { component: 'nomadEventsView', }, }, }; const logs = { name: 'nomad.logs', url: '/jobs/:jobID/tasks/:taskName/allocations/:allocationID/logs?namespace', views: { 'content@': { component: 'nomadLogsView', }, }, }; $stateRegistryProvider.register(nomad); $stateRegistryProvider.register(dashboard); $stateRegistryProvider.register(jobs); $stateRegistryProvider.register(events); $stateRegistryProvider.register(logs); }