package endpoints /// This feature is implemented in the agent API and not directly here. /// However, it's proxied. So we document it here. // @summary Upload a file under a specific path on the file system of an environment (endpoint) // @description Use this environment(endpoint) to upload TLS files. // @description **Access policy**: administrator // @tags endpoints // @security ApiKeyAuth // @security jwt // @accept multipart/form-data // @produce json // @param id path int true "Environment(Endpoint) identifier" // @param volumeID query string false "Optional volume identifier to upload the file" // @param Path formData string true "The destination path to upload the file to" // @param file formData file true "The file to upload" // @success 204 "Success" // @failure 400 "Invalid request" // @failure 500 "Server error" // @router /endpoints/{id}/docker/v2/browse/put [post] // //lint:ignore U1000 Ignore unused code, for documentation purposes func _fileBrowseFileUploadV2() { // dummy function to make swag pick up the above docs for the following REST call // POST request on /browse/put?volumeID=:id }