angular.module('services', []) .controller('ServicesController', ['$q', '$scope', '$transition$', '$state', 'Service', 'ServiceService', 'ServiceHelper', 'Notifications', 'Pagination', 'Task', 'Node', 'NodeHelper', 'ModalService', 'ResourceControlService', function ($q, $scope, $transition$, $state, Service, ServiceService, ServiceHelper, Notifications, Pagination, Task, Node, NodeHelper, ModalService, ResourceControlService) { $scope.state = {}; $scope.state.selectedItemCount = 0; $scope.state.pagination_count = Pagination.getPaginationCount('services'); $scope.sortType = 'Name'; $scope.sortReverse = false; $scope.changePaginationCount = function() { Pagination.setPaginationCount('services', $scope.state.pagination_count); }; $scope.order = function (sortType) { $scope.sortReverse = ($scope.sortType === sortType) ? !$scope.sortReverse : false; $scope.sortType = sortType; }; $scope.selectItem = function (item) { if (item.Checked) { $scope.state.selectedItemCount++; } else { $scope.state.selectedItemCount--; } }; $scope.scaleService = function scaleService(service) { var config = ServiceHelper.serviceToConfig(service.Model); config.Mode.Replicated.Replicas = service.Replicas; Service.update({ id: service.Id, version: service.Version }, config, function (data) { Notifications.success('Service successfully scaled', 'New replica count: ' + service.Replicas); $state.reload(); }, function (e) { service.Scale = false; service.Replicas = service.ReplicaCount; Notifications.error('Failure', e, 'Unable to scale service'); }); }; $scope.removeAction = function() { ModalService.confirmDeletion( 'Do you want to remove the selected service(s)? All the containers associated to the selected service(s) will be removed too.', function onConfirm(confirmed) { if(!confirmed) { return; } removeServices(); } ); }; function removeServices() { angular.forEach($, function (service) { if (service.Checked) { ServiceService.remove(service) .then(function success(data) { Notifications.success('Service successfully deleted'); var index = $; $, 1); }) .catch(function error(err) { Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Unable to remove service'); }); } }); } function mapUsersToServices(users) { angular.forEach($, function (service) { if (service.Metadata) { var serviceRC = service.Metadata.ResourceControl; if (serviceRC && serviceRC.OwnerId !== $scope.user.ID) { angular.forEach(users, function (user) { if (serviceRC.OwnerId === user.Id) { service.Owner = user.Username; } }); } } }); } function initView() { $q.all({ services: Service.query({}).$promise, tasks: Task.query({filters: {'desired-state': ['running','accepted']}}).$promise, nodes: Node.query({}).$promise }) .then(function success(data) { $scope.swarmManagerIP = NodeHelper.getManagerIP(data.nodes); $ = (service) { var runningTasks = data.tasks.filter(function (task) { return task.ServiceID === service.ID && task.Status.State === 'running'; }); var allTasks = data.tasks.filter(function (task) { return task.ServiceID === service.ID; }); var taskNodes = data.nodes.filter(function (node) { return node.Spec.Availability === 'active' && node.Status.State === 'ready'; }); return new ServiceViewModel(service, runningTasks, allTasks, taskNodes); }); }) .catch(function error(err) { $ = []; Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Unable to retrieve services'); }); } initView(); }]);