import { useCurrentStateAndParams } from '@uirouter/react'; import { useMemo } from 'react'; import { useServicesQuery } from '@/react/kubernetes/services/service'; import { useApplication, useApplicationHorizontalPodAutoscaler, useApplicationServices, } from '../../application.queries'; import { useHorizontalAutoScalarQuery } from '../../autoscaling.service'; export function useApplicationYAML() { const { params: { namespace, name, 'resource-type': resourceType, endpointId: environmentId, }, } = useCurrentStateAndParams(); // find the application and the yaml for it const { data: application, ...applicationQuery } = useApplication( environmentId, namespace, name, resourceType ); const { data: applicationYAML, ...applicationYAMLQuery } = useApplication(environmentId, namespace, name, resourceType, { yaml: true, }); // find the matching services, then get the yaml for them const { data: services, ...servicesQuery } = useApplicationServices( environmentId, namespace, name, application ); const serviceNames = services?.flatMap((service) => service.metadata?.name || []) || []; const { data: servicesYAML, ...servicesYAMLQuery } = useServicesQuery( environmentId, namespace, serviceNames, { yaml: true } ); // find the matching autoscalar, then get the yaml for it const { data: autoScalar, ...autoScalarsQuery } = useApplicationHorizontalPodAutoscaler( environmentId, namespace, name, application ); const { data: autoScalarYAML, ...autoScalarYAMLQuery } = useHorizontalAutoScalarQuery( environmentId, namespace, autoScalar?.metadata?.name || '', { yaml: true } ); const fullApplicationYaml = useMemo(() => { const yamlArray = [ applicationYAML, ...(servicesYAML || []), autoScalarYAML, ].flatMap((yaml) => yaml || []); const yamlString = yamlArray.join('\n---\n'); return yamlString; }, [applicationYAML, autoScalarYAML, servicesYAML]); const isApplicationYAMLLoading = applicationQuery.isInitialLoading || servicesQuery.isInitialLoading || autoScalarsQuery.isInitialLoading || applicationYAMLQuery.isInitialLoading || servicesYAMLQuery.isInitialLoading || autoScalarYAMLQuery.isInitialLoading; return { fullApplicationYaml, isApplicationYAMLLoading }; }