import { useState, useEffect, useMemo, ReactNode, useCallback } from 'react'; import { useCurrentStateAndParams, useRouter } from '@uirouter/react'; import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'; import { debounce } from 'lodash'; import { useEnvironmentId } from '@/react/hooks/useEnvironmentId'; import { useConfigurations } from '@/react/kubernetes/configs/queries'; import { useNamespaces } from '@/react/kubernetes/namespaces/queries'; import { useServices } from '@/react/kubernetes/networks/services/queries'; import { notifyError, notifySuccess } from '@/portainer/services/notifications'; import { useAuthorizations } from '@/react/hooks/useUser'; import { Link } from '@@/Link'; import { PageHeader } from '@@/PageHeader'; import { Option } from '@@/form-components/Input/Select'; import { Button } from '@@/buttons'; import { Ingress, IngressController } from '../types'; import { useCreateIngress, useIngresses, useUpdateIngress, useIngressControllers, } from '../queries'; import { Rule, Path, Host, GroupedServiceOptions } from './types'; import { IngressForm } from './IngressForm'; import { prepareTLS, preparePaths, prepareAnnotations, prepareRuleFromIngress, checkIfPathExistsWithHost, } from './utils'; import { Annotation } from './Annotations/types'; export function CreateIngressView() { const environmentId = useEnvironmentId(); const { params } = useCurrentStateAndParams(); const isAuthorisedToAddEdit = useAuthorizations(['K8sIngressesW']); const router = useRouter(); const isEdit = !!params.namespace; useEffect(() => { if (!isAuthorisedToAddEdit) { const message = `Not authorized to ${isEdit ? 'edit' : 'add'} ingresses`; notifyError('Error', new Error(message)); router.stateService.go('kubernetes.ingresses'); } // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [isAuthorisedToAddEdit, isEdit]); const [namespace, setNamespace] = useState(params.namespace || ''); const [ingressRule, setIngressRule] = useState({} as Rule); const [errors, setErrors] = useState>( {} as Record ); const { data: namespaces, ...namespacesQuery } = useNamespaces(environmentId); const { data: allServices } = useServices(environmentId, namespace); const configResults = useConfigurations(environmentId, namespace); const ingressesResults = useIngresses( environmentId, namespaces ? Object.keys(namespaces || {}) : [] ); const { data: ingressControllers, ...ingressControllersQuery } = useIngressControllers(environmentId, namespace); const createIngressMutation = useCreateIngress(); const updateIngressMutation = useUpdateIngress(); const [ingressNames, ingresses, ruleCounterByNamespace, hostWithTLS] = useMemo((): [ string[], Ingress[], Record, Record ] => { const ruleCounterByNamespace: Record = {}; const hostWithTLS: Record = {}; => { ingress.TLS?.forEach((tls) => { tls.Hosts.forEach((host) => { hostWithTLS[host] = tls.SecretName; }); }); }); const ingressNames: string[] = []; => { ruleCounterByNamespace[ing.Namespace] = ruleCounterByNamespace[ing.Namespace] || 0; const n = ing.Name.match(/^(.*)-(\d+)$/); if (n?.length === 3) { ruleCounterByNamespace[ing.Namespace] = Math.max( ruleCounterByNamespace[ing.Namespace], Number(n[2]) ); } if (ing.Namespace === namespace) { ingressNames.push(ing.Name); } }); return [ ingressNames || [], || [], ruleCounterByNamespace, hostWithTLS, ]; }, [, namespace]); const namespaceOptions = useMemo( () => Object.entries(namespaces || {}) .filter(([, nsValue]) => !nsValue.IsSystem) .map(([nsKey]) => ({ label: nsKey, value: nsKey, })), [namespaces] ); const serviceOptions: GroupedServiceOptions = useMemo(() => { const groupedOptions: GroupedServiceOptions = ( allServices?.reduce( (groupedOptions, service) => { // add a new option to the group that matches the service type const newGroupedOptions = => { if (group.label === service.Type) { return {, options: [, { label: service.Name, selectedLabel: `${service.Name} (${service.Type})`, value: service.Name, }, ], }; } return group; }); return newGroupedOptions; }, [ { label: 'ClusterIP', options: [] }, { label: 'NodePort', options: [] }, { label: 'LoadBalancer', options: [] }, ] as GroupedServiceOptions ) || [] ).filter((group) => group.options.length > 0); return groupedOptions; }, [allServices]); const servicePorts = useMemo( () => allServices ? Object.fromEntries( allServices?.map((service) => [ service.Name, => ({ label: String(port.Port), value: String(port.Port), })), ]) ) : {}, [allServices] ); const existingIngressClass = useMemo( () => ingressControllers?.find( (controller) => controller.ClassName === ingressRule.IngressClassName || (controller.Type === 'custom' && ingressRule.IngressClassName === '') ), [ingressControllers, ingressRule.IngressClassName] ); const ingressClassOptions: Option[] = useMemo(() => { const allowedIngressClassOptions = ingressControllers ?.filter((controller) => !!controller.Availability) .map((cls) => ({ label: cls.ClassName, value: cls.ClassName, })) || []; // if the ingress class is not set, return only the allowed ingress classes if (ingressRule.IngressClassName === '' || !isEdit) { return allowedIngressClassOptions; } // if the ingress class is set and it exists (even if disallowed), return the allowed ingress classes + the disallowed option const disallowedIngressClasses = ingressControllers ?.filter( (controller) => !controller.Availability && existingIngressClass?.ClassName === controller.ClassName ) .map((controller) => ({ label: `${controller.ClassName} - DISALLOWED`, value: controller.ClassName, })) || []; const existingIngressClassFound = ingressControllers?.find( (controller) => existingIngressClass?.ClassName === controller.ClassName ); if (existingIngressClassFound) { return [...allowedIngressClassOptions, ...disallowedIngressClasses]; } // if the ingress class is set and it doesn't exist, return the allowed ingress classes + the not found option const notFoundIngressClassOption = { label: `${ingressRule.IngressClassName} - NOT FOUND`, value: ingressRule.IngressClassName || '', }; return [...allowedIngressClassOptions, notFoundIngressClassOption]; }, [ existingIngressClass?.ClassName, ingressControllers, ingressRule.IngressClassName, isEdit, ]); const handleIngressChange = useCallback( (key: string, val: string) => { setIngressRule((prevRules) => { const rule = { ...prevRules, [key]: val }; if (key === 'IngressClassName') { rule.IngressType = ingressControllers?.find( (c) => c.ClassName === val )?.Type; } return rule; }); }, [ingressControllers] ); // when the ingress class options update the value to an available one useEffect(() => { const ingressClasses = => option.value); if (!ingressClasses.includes(ingressRule.IngressClassName)) { // setting to the first available option (or undefined when there are no options) handleIngressChange('IngressClassName', ingressClasses[0]); } }, [handleIngressChange, ingressClassOptions, ingressRule.IngressClassName]); const matchedConfigs = configResults?.data?.filter( (config) => config.SecretType === '' && config.Namespace === namespace ); const tlsOptions: Option[] = useMemo( () => [ { label: 'No TLS', value: '' }, ...(matchedConfigs?.map((config) => ({ label: config.Name, value: config.Name, })) || []), ], [matchedConfigs] ); useEffect(() => { if ( !! && && !ingressRule.IngressName && !ingressControllersQuery.isLoading && !ingressControllersQuery.isLoading ) { // if it is an edit screen, prepare the rule from the ingress const ing = (ing) => ing.Name === && ing.Namespace === params.namespace ); if (ing) { const type = ingressControllers?.find( (c) => c.ClassName === ing.ClassName || (c.Type === 'custom' && !ing.ClassName) )?.Type; const r = prepareRuleFromIngress(ing, type); r.IngressType = type || r.IngressType; setIngressRule(r); } } // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [,, ingressControllers, ingressRule.IngressName, params.namespace, ]); useEffect(() => { // for each host, if the tls selection doesn't exist as an option, change it to the first option if (ingressRule?.Hosts?.length) { ingressRule.Hosts.forEach((host, hIndex) => { const secret = host.Secret || ''; const tlsOptionVals = => o.value); if (tlsOptions?.length && !tlsOptionVals?.includes(secret)) { handleTLSChange(hIndex, tlsOptionVals[0]); } }); } }, [tlsOptions, ingressRule.Hosts]); useEffect(() => { // for each path in each host, if the service port doesn't exist as an option, change it to the first option if (ingressRule?.Hosts?.length) { ingressRule.Hosts.forEach((host, hIndex) => { host?.Paths?.forEach((path, pIndex) => { const serviceName = path.ServiceName; const currentServicePorts = servicePorts[serviceName]?.map( (p) => p.value ); if ( currentServicePorts?.length && !currentServicePorts?.includes(String(path.ServicePort)) ) { handlePathChange( hIndex, pIndex, 'ServicePort', currentServicePorts[0] ); } }); }); } // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [ingressRule, servicePorts]); const validate = useCallback( ( ingressRule: Rule, ingressNames: string[], groupedServiceOptions: GroupedServiceOptions, existingIngressClass?: IngressController ) => { const errors: Record = {}; const rule = { ...ingressRule }; // User cannot edit the namespace and the ingress name if (!isEdit) { if (!rule.Namespace) { errors.namespace = 'Namespace is required'; } const nameRegex = /^[a-z]([a-z0-9-]{0,61}[a-z0-9])?$/; if (!rule.IngressName) { errors.ingressName = 'Ingress name is required'; } else if (!nameRegex.test(rule.IngressName)) { errors.ingressName = "This field must consist of lower case alphanumeric characters or '-', contain at most 63 characters, start with an alphabetic character, and end with an alphanumeric character (e.g. 'my-name', or 'abc-123')."; } else if (ingressNames.includes(rule.IngressName)) { errors.ingressName = 'Ingress name already exists'; } if (!ingressClassOptions.length && ingressControllersQuery.isSuccess) { errors.className = 'Ingress class is required'; } } if (isEdit && !ingressRule.IngressClassName) { errors.className = 'No ingress class is currently set for this ingress - use of the Portainer UI requires one to be set.'; } if ( isEdit && (!existingIngressClass || (existingIngressClass && !existingIngressClass.Availability)) && ingressRule.IngressClassName ) { if (!rule.IngressType) { errors.className = 'Currently set to an ingress class that cannot be found in the cluster - you must select a valid class.'; } else { errors.className = 'Currently set to an ingress class that you do not have access to - you must select a valid class.'; } } const duplicatedAnnotations: string[] = []; const re = /^([A-Za-z0-9][-A-Za-z0-9_.]*)?[A-Za-z0-9]$/; rule.Annotations?.forEach((a, i) => { if (!a.Key) { errors[`annotations.key[${i}]`] = 'Key is required.'; } else if (duplicatedAnnotations.includes(a.Key)) { errors[`annotations.key[${i}]`] = 'Key is a duplicate of an existing one.'; } else { const key = a.Key.split('/'); if (key.length > 2) { errors[`annotations.key[${i}]`] = 'Two segments are allowed, separated by a slash (/): a prefix (optional) and a name.'; } else if (key.length === 2) { if (key[0].length > 253) { errors[`annotations.key[${i}]`] = "Prefix (before the slash) can't exceed 253 characters."; } else if (key[1].length > 63) { errors[`annotations.key[${i}]`] = "Name (after the slash) can't exceed 63 characters."; } else if (!re.test(key[1])) { errors[`annotations.key[${i}]`] = 'Start and end with alphanumeric characters only, limiting characters in between to dashes, underscores, and alphanumerics.'; } } else if (key.length === 1) { if (key[0].length > 63) { errors[`annotations.key[${i}]`] = "Name (the segment after a slash (/), or only segment if no slash) can't exceed 63 characters."; } else if (!re.test(key[0])) { errors[`annotations.key[${i}]`] = 'Start and end with alphanumeric characters only, limiting characters in between to dashes, underscores, and alphanumerics.'; } } } if (!a.Value) { errors[`annotations.value[${i}]`] = 'Value is required.'; } duplicatedAnnotations.push(a.Key); }); const duplicatedHosts: string[] = []; // Check if the paths are duplicates rule.Hosts?.forEach((host, hi) => { if (!host.NoHost) { if (!host.Host) { errors[`hosts[${hi}].host`] = 'Host is required'; } else if (duplicatedHosts.includes(host.Host)) { errors[`hosts[${hi}].host`] = 'Host cannot be duplicated'; } duplicatedHosts.push(host.Host); } // Validate service host.Paths?.forEach((path, pi) => { if (!path.ServiceName) { errors[`hosts[${hi}].paths[${pi}].servicename`] = 'Service name is required'; } const availableServiceNames = groupedServiceOptions.flatMap( (optionGroup) => => option.value) ); if ( isEdit && path.ServiceName && !availableServiceNames.find((sn) => sn === path.ServiceName) ) { errors[`hosts[${hi}].paths[${pi}].servicename`] = ( Currently set to {path.ServiceName}, which does not exist. You can create a service with this name for a particular deployment via{' '} Applications , and on returning here it will be picked up. ); } if (!path.ServicePort) { errors[`hosts[${hi}].paths[${pi}].serviceport`] = 'Service port is required'; } }); // Validate paths const paths = => path.Route); paths.forEach((item, idx) => { if (!item) { errors[`hosts[${hi}].paths[${idx}].path`] = 'Path cannot be empty'; } else if (paths.indexOf(item) !== idx) { errors[`hosts[${hi}].paths[${idx}].path`] = 'Paths cannot be duplicated'; } else { // Validate host and path combination globally const isExists = checkIfPathExistsWithHost( ingresses, host.Host, item, ); if (isExists) { errors[`hosts[${hi}].paths[${idx}].path`] = 'Path is already in use with the same host'; } } }); }); setErrors(errors); if (Object.keys(errors).length > 0) { return false; } return true; }, [ isEdit, ingressClassOptions, ingressControllersQuery.isSuccess, environmentId, ingresses,, ] ); const debouncedValidate = useMemo(() => debounce(validate, 500), [validate]); useEffect(() => { if (namespace.length > 0) { debouncedValidate( ingressRule, ingressNames || [], serviceOptions || [], existingIngressClass ); } }, [ ingressRule, namespace, ingressNames, serviceOptions, existingIngressClass, debouncedValidate, ]); return ( <>
{namespace && (
); function handleNamespaceChange(ns: string) { setNamespace(ns); if (!isEdit) { addNewIngress(ns); } } function handleTLSChange(hostIndex: number, tls: string) { setIngressRule((prevRules) => { const rule = { ...prevRules }; rule.Hosts[hostIndex] = { ...rule.Hosts[hostIndex], Secret: tls }; return rule; }); } function handleHostChange(hostIndex: number, val: string) { setIngressRule((prevRules) => { const rule = { ...prevRules }; rule.Hosts[hostIndex] = { ...rule.Hosts[hostIndex], Host: val }; rule.Hosts[hostIndex].Secret = hostWithTLS[val] || rule.Hosts[hostIndex].Secret; return rule; }); } function handlePathChange( hostIndex: number, pathIndex: number, key: 'Route' | 'PathType' | 'ServiceName' | 'ServicePort', val: string ) { setIngressRule((prevRules) => { const rule = { ...prevRules }; const h = { ...rule.Hosts[hostIndex] }; h.Paths[pathIndex] = { ...h.Paths[pathIndex], [key]: key === 'ServicePort' ? Number(val) : val, }; // set the first port of the service as the default port if ( key === 'ServiceName' && servicePorts[val] && servicePorts[val].length > 0 ) { h.Paths[pathIndex].ServicePort = Number(servicePorts[val][0].value); } rule.Hosts[hostIndex] = h; return rule; }); } function handleAnnotationChange( index: number, key: 'Key' | 'Value', val: string ) { setIngressRule((prevRules) => { const rules = { ...prevRules }; rules.Annotations = rules.Annotations || []; rules.Annotations[index] = rules.Annotations[index] || { Key: '', Value: '', }; rules.Annotations[index][key] = val; return rules; }); } function addNewIngress(namespace: string) { const newKey = `${namespace}-ingress-${ (ruleCounterByNamespace[namespace] || 0) + 1 }`; const host: Host = { Host: '', Secret: '', Paths: [], Key: uuidv4(), }; const rule: Rule = { Key: uuidv4(), Namespace: namespace, IngressName: newKey, IngressClassName: ingressRule.IngressClassName || '', Hosts: [host], }; setIngressRule(rule); } function addNewIngressHost(noHost = false) { const rule = { ...ingressRule }; const path: Path = { Key: uuidv4(), ServiceName: '', ServicePort: 0, Route: '', PathType: 'Prefix', }; const host: Host = { Host: '', Secret: '', Paths: noHost ? [path] : [], NoHost: noHost, Key: uuidv4(), }; rule.Hosts.push(host); setIngressRule(rule); } function addNewIngressRoute(hostIndex: number) { const rule = { ...ingressRule }; const path: Path = { ServiceName: '', ServicePort: 0, Route: '', PathType: 'Prefix', Key: uuidv4(), }; rule.Hosts[hostIndex].Paths.push(path); setIngressRule(rule); } function addNewAnnotation(type?: 'rewrite' | 'regex' | 'ingressClass') { const rule = { ...ingressRule }; const annotation: Annotation = { Key: '', Value: '', ID: uuidv4(), }; switch (type) { case 'rewrite': annotation.Key = ''; annotation.Value = '/$1'; break; case 'regex': annotation.Key = ''; annotation.Value = 'true'; break; case 'ingressClass': annotation.Key = ''; annotation.Value = ''; break; default: break; } rule.Annotations = rule.Annotations || []; rule.Annotations?.push(annotation); setIngressRule(rule); } function removeAnnotation(index: number) { const rule = { ...ingressRule }; if (index > -1) { rule.Annotations?.splice(index, 1); } setIngressRule(rule); } function removeIngressRoute(hostIndex: number, pathIndex: number) { const rule = { ...ingressRule, Hosts: [...ingressRule.Hosts] }; if (hostIndex > -1 && pathIndex > -1) { rule.Hosts[hostIndex].Paths.splice(pathIndex, 1); } setIngressRule(rule); } function removeIngressHost(hostIndex: number) { const rule = { ...ingressRule, Hosts: [...ingressRule.Hosts] }; if (hostIndex > -1) { rule.Hosts.splice(hostIndex, 1); } setIngressRule(rule); } function reloadTLSCerts() { configResults.refetch(); } function handleCreateIngressRules() { const rule = { ...ingressRule }; const classNameToSend = rule.IngressClassName === 'none' ? '' : rule.IngressClassName; const ingress: Ingress = { Namespace: namespace, Name: rule.IngressName, ClassName: classNameToSend, Hosts: => host.Host), Paths: preparePaths(rule.IngressName, rule.Hosts), TLS: prepareTLS(rule.Hosts), Annotations: prepareAnnotations(rule.Annotations || []), }; if (isEdit) { updateIngressMutation.mutate( { environmentId, ingress }, { onSuccess: () => { notifySuccess('Success', 'Ingress updated successfully'); router.stateService.go('kubernetes.ingresses'); }, } ); } else { createIngressMutation.mutate( { environmentId, ingress }, { onSuccess: () => { notifySuccess('Success', 'Ingress created successfully'); router.stateService.go('kubernetes.ingresses'); }, } ); } } }