Endpoint summary

Portainer is connected to a node that is part of a Swarm cluster. Some resources located on other nodes in the cluster might not be available for management, have a look at our agent setup for more details.

Portainer is connected to a worker node. Swarm management features will not be available.

Endpoint {{ endpoint.Name }} {{ endpoint.Snapshots[0].TotalCPU }} {{ endpoint.Snapshots[0].TotalMemory | humansize }} - {{ info.Swarm && info.Swarm.NodeID !== '' ? 'Swarm' : 'Standalone' }} {{ info.ServerVersion }} + Agent
URL {{ endpoint.URL | stripprotocol }}
Tags - {{ tag }}{{ $last? '' : ', ' }}
{{ stackCount }}
{{ stackCount === 1 ? 'Stack' : 'Stacks' }}
{{ serviceCount }}
{{ serviceCount === 1 ? 'Service' : 'Services' }}
{{ containers | runningcontainers }} running
{{ containers | stoppedcontainers }} stopped
{{ containers.length }}
{{ containers.length === 1 ? 'Container' : 'Containers' }}
{{ images | imagestotalsize | humansize }}
{{ images.length }}
{{ images.length === 1 ? 'Image' : 'Images' }}
{{ volumeCount }}
{{ volumeCount === 1 ? 'Volume' : 'Volumes' }}
{{ networkCount }}
{{ networkCount === 1 ? 'Network' : 'Networks' }}